Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



Lizards 322-

THE LARGEST GROUP of reptiles is the lizard family, with about 5,500
species. Lizards live in almost every habitat except the open sea and the
far north. The huge Komodo dragon is the largest, and tiny geckos are the
smallest—some are less than 1 in (2 cm) long. A typical lizard such as
the iguana has a slim body, a long tail, legs that splay out sideways,
and five-toed feet. There are many variations, however; skinks
are often extremely long, with short legs. They move
effortlessly through sandy soil with a wriggling motion.
Glass lizards are even more snakelike, most have no
legs and only a few species have small, stubby hind
legs. Several other kinds of lizards, including the
slowworm, have also lost their limbs during the
course of evolution. Like other reptiles, most
female lizards lay eggs, which they bury in
the soil or hide under rocks until
the young hatch.

Green iguana

Outstretched claws help
in gripping while climbing.

Typical scaly skin like
other reptiles, such as
snakes and crocodiles

This lizard is found in Asia and lives mainly in trees
that grow close to water. Like most lizards, the water
dragon is able to swim. Unlike most other lizards,
however, which move on all four legs, the Asian
water dragon runs on two legs if it is threatened,
which gives it more speed on land.

Long tail
for balance

in the same way that a starfish regrows
its arms, a lizard can regrow its tail.
when a predator such as a bird or cat
grabs a lizard by its tail, the lizard sheds
the tail in order to escape. The
vertebrae (backbones) along the
tail have cracks in them, so the
tail breaks off easily. The
broken-off part of the tail
often twitches for a few
minutes, confusing the
enemy while the lizard
runs away. The tail
grows back to its
original length in
about eight months.

Tree skink has
lost the end
of its tail.

The more the frilled
lizard opens its
mouth, the more
the frill expands.

Loose skin
around neck
looks like a
huge collar.
Tail waves
around to

The Australian frilled
lizard has a flap of loose
skin around its neck that
folds flat along the body.
The lizard raises the frill to
make itself look bigger in order
to scare away a predator. it also waves
its tail and head around to alarm its
enemy, and then scuttles away.

The pads on
the feet of the
tokay gecko are covered with about one
million microscopic hairlike structures
that help the gecko grip on to surfaces. in
southeast Asia, where it lives, it can be seen
walking up glass surfaces and across ceilings.

Tokay gecko

Lizards can hear
through their ear

Tail has regrown
fully within a
few months.

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