Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1




In february 1990, the 72-year-old nelson Mandela walked into freedom
after spending more than 27 years in prison. He had spent his life opposing
the white-led South african government, which practiced the policy of
apartheid, or separation of the races. Within four years Mandela led his
party, the african national Congress (anC), to victory in the general
election and became the first-ever black
president of a multiracial, democratic
South africa. by the time he retired in
1999, he was one of the most famous and
deeply-loved political leaders in the world.

the first multiracial elections in South africa were
held in 1994. Mandela led the anC to a huge
victory and became president. He worked to obtain
peace, and unite all the peoples of his troubled
country. When famous people—including the
Prince of Wales and the Spice Girls—came to see
him, he always wore one of his distinctive shirts.

trutH and reConCIlIatIon
In order to heal the wounds left by
apartheid, Mandela set up the
truth and reconciliation
Commission. a nobel Peace Prize
winner, archbishop desmond tutu,
ran the commission. It examined
the events of the apartheid era, and
tried to reconcile (bring together)
former enemies.

robben ISland
nelson Mandela spent 18
of his 27 years in prison
on robben Island, a
high-security prison
off the coast of Cape
town. He broke rocks
in the quarry and
studied with other
anC prisoners. now the
prison is closed, and
people visit Mandela’s cell.

afrICan natIonal ConGreSS
In 1912, the african national Congress was formed
to protect the interests of the black population of
South africa. It tried to achieve a multiracial,
democratic country through peaceful means, but
the South african government thought it was
revolutionary, and banned it in 1961. from 1952,
Mandela was a senior member of the organization.
He became its leader in 1991.

WInnIe Mandela
In 1961, Mandela
married Winnie
Mdikizela (b. 1936).
She campaigned for
his release, but her
political activities were
controversial. they
divorced in 1996.

free nelSon Mandela
People campaigned worldwide to
free Mandela from prison. they
boycotted (refused to buy) South
african goods, such as fruit and
wine, and demonstrated against the
South african government. In 1988,
a huge rock concert was held at
london’s Wembley Stadium to
mark Mandela’s 70th birthday.

1918 born in Mvezo,
1942 Gained law degree;
practices in Johannesburg.
1952 becomes deputy
national president of
the anC.
1962 Imprisoned as a
leader of the anC.
1964 Sentenced to life
imprisonment and sent to
robben Island (until 1985).
1990 released from prison.
1993 Wins nobel Peace
1994 elected first black
president of South africa.
1999 Steps down as
2013 dies in Johannesburg.

africa, history of
Human rights
South africa

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