Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Sending a Spacecraft to a distant planet is like trying
to throw a stone at an invisible moving target. Space scientists
do not use trial and error; instead they use the science of
mathematics to direct the spacecraft precisely to its target.
Mathematics is the study of number, shape, and quantity. there are
several different branches of mathematics, and they are valuable both
in science and in everyday life. for instance, arithmetic consists of
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of numbers;
it helps you figure out the change when you buy something.
geometry is the study of shape and angle; it is useful in
carpentry, architecture, and many other fields. algebra
is a kind of mathematical language in which problems
can be solved using symbols in place of varying or
unknown numbers. Branches of mathematics that
relate to practical problems are called applied
mathematics. However, some mathematicians study
pure mathematics—numerical problems which have
no known practical use.

partS of a circle
a circle is a shape in
which every point on its
circumference, or outside
margin, is the same
distance from the center.
the diameter is the line
that exactly bisects a circle,
passing through the center.
the distance from the
center to the circumference
is the radius. the slice of
circle between two radii is a
sector, and the part of the
circumference that bounds
a sector is an arc.

the abacus, or counting
frame, is an ancient
calculating device which
comes from china. it consists
of rows of beads that represent
units of tens, hundreds, and
thousands. the abacus is
worked by moving the beads
along the rows. people in
asian countries still use the
abacus as a rapid tool for
adding, subtracting,
multiplying, and dividing.

a symmetrical object is made up of alike parts. Many
symmetrical patterns and shapes occur in nature.
a starfish exhibits bilateral symmetry, since it
looks the same when reflected in a line drawn
along the length of one of its arms. this line
is called an axis. the starfish also displays
rotational symmetry, as it looks the same
when rotated around its central point.

the ancient greek
mathematician euclid
(c. 330-275 bce) was the first
to formulate theories on the
nature of shapes and angles.
His book Elements outlined the
principles of geometry, and it
was a standard
textbook for
found many
practical uses
for geometry,
such as in

The human face is asymmetrical.
If the left and right sides of this boy’s
face are reflected, the images that
result are different from
his actual face.

pure mathematicians study the fundamental
ideas of numbers and shapes. one such idea
is the concept of infinity, which means “never-
ending.” the pattern shown above is called
a fractal. it is produced by a computer
according to a strict formula (rule). you can
enlarge any part of the pattern again and
again, but you will still get a pattern that is just
as intricate. the pattern is infinitely complex.






Circumference Radius

Find out more
Science, history of
Weights and measures

probability theory is
the analysis of chance.
for instance, if you repeatedly
roll two dice, you can use probability
theory to work out how often you can
expect a certain number to come up.

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