Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


doctors once
believed that too
much blood in the
body was the cause of
disease. they removed the
excess blood by blood-letting.
doctors either cut open a vein to let the
blood out, or they applied bloodsucking
creatures called leeches to the body. the
leech attached itself to the patient with its
sucker, made a wound, then sucked out blood.
the exact spot for blood-letting depended on
what was wrong with the patient.

history of medicine
c. 8000 bce early healers
practice trepanning.
400s bce Hippocrates, a greek,
begins scientific medicine.
1543 Vesalius publishes first
scientific study of human body.
1615 Santorio, an italian doctor,
designs mouth thermometer.
1683 Anton van leeuwenhoek,
a dutch scientist, discovers
1796 edward Jenner gives first
smallpox vaccination.
1816 Rene laennec, a French
doctor, invents stethoscope.
1842 American surgeon,
Horace long, operates using
general anesthetic.
1895 Wilhelm Roentgen, a
german physicist, discovers
x-rays, which enable doctors to
see inside the human body.
1900s Polish-born Marie Curie
and her husband, Pierre Curie
of France, discover the chemical
element radium to treat cancer.
1900s Scottish bacteriologist,
Alexander Fleming, discovers

Carbolic acid
was sprayed
over operating
area from a
special pump.

SigMund FReud
the Austrian doctor Sigmund Freud
(1856-1939; below) was interested in
finding out how the mind works. He
treated patients with mental disorders by
listening to them talk about their dreams
and thoughts. this treatment
was called psychoanalysis. in
1900, Freud published The
Interpretation of Dreams,
which explained
his method.

until the late 19th century, surgeons did not wash
their hands or their medical instruments before
operating on a patient. Many patients died from
deadly infections following an operation. Joseph
lister (1827-1912), an english surgeon, guessed
that infection with bacteria might be the cause of
these deaths. in 1865, lister developed an
antiseptic spray called carbolic acid. this
spray could destroy bacteria in the operating
room, so there was a dramatic drop in the
number of deaths following operations.

medical Pioneers
through the centuries
many people have shaped
modern medicine. the
Flemish doctor Vesalius
produced accurate
drawings of the human
body; dutchman Anton
van leeuwenhoek
(1632-1723) first
discovered microbes,
now called bacteria;
and the english doctor
edward Jenner
(1749-1823) discovered
vaccinations—a way
of preventing certain
diseases by injection.

Leeches are parasites that
attach themselves to a host.
They secrete a substance
that stops blood clotting
while they feed on it.

AlexAndeR FleMing
Bacteria cause many of the illnesses that affect
humans, so for years scientists tried to find a
substance that would kill bacteria but would
not harm human tissue. the Scottish
bacteriologist Alexander Fleming
(1881-1955) was the first person to identify
an antibacterial substance. Fleming
carried out his research in a laboratory at
Saint Mary’s Hospital, london, england.
in 1928, Fleming noticed that a mold that
had accidentally developed on a dish of
bacteria culture caused the bacteria to
die. in 1941, the researchers Howard
Florey and ernst Chain purified the
mold, Penicillium, to produce penicillin,
the world’s first antibiotic. Penicillin is
widely used in the treatment of many
diseases, including meningitis and
pneumonia. Fleming shared the 1945 nobel
Prize for Medicine with Florey and Chain.

Find out more
egypt, ancient
greece, ancient

louiS PASteuR
Frenchman louis Pasteur
(1822-1895; above) showed
that bacteria caused disease.
He invented pasteurization—
the heating of milk and beer
to destroy harmful bacteria.

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