Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Fatima and ali
muhammad’s daughter
Fatima (605-633) traveled
with her father to medina.
She later married muhammad’s
cousin, ali. Fatima’s descendants
went on to found the city of
Kahira (Cairo) in Egypt.


People came to mecca to worship and
trade at the Kaaba, a huge shrine that
contained hundreds of idols. muhammad
was persecuted when he spoke out
against the worship of idols. in 622, he
fled with a few of his followers to medina.
their journey is called the Hegira
(meaning “flight” or “migration”). today,
the Kaaba is a holy shrine for muslims
(followers of islam). it is surrounded by
a great mosque (muslim prayer hall) and
visited by thousands of pilgrims each year.

during tHE 600s, one man founded what was to become one of the
world’s great religions. His name was muhammad, and the religion was islam.
muhammad came from mecca in southwestern arabia (now Saudi arabia), and
was born into one of the city’s arab clans around 570 ce. Orphaned at an early
age, he became a merchant and married Khadija, a wealthy widow, with whom he
had three daughters. at the time, the arab people worshiped many gods and
prayed to idols and spirits. muhammad came to believe that there was only
one god, named allah, and that he had been chosen to be allah’s prophet.
muhammad’s family and friends were the first to share his beliefs, but his views
angered the people of mecca, and he was forced to flee
to medina, a city north of mecca. there he proclaimed
the principles of islam and won many converts. after a
holy war, muhammad led his followers to conquer mecca
in 630. missionaries spread the message of islam far and
wide, and by the time of muhammad’s death in 632,
arabia was an islamic state.

dEatH OF muHammad
after the farewell pilgrimage,
muhammad went back to medina,
but died within a few days of his
return. His tomb lies in the
Prophet’s mosque at medina. after
his death, his followers wrote down
his teachings in the Qur’an
(Koran), the holy book of islam.

mOunt Hira
at age 40, muhammad began
to meditate in a cave on mount
Hira, north of mecca. Here, he
had a vision in which the angel
gabriel spoke the words of god
to him and told him that he was to
preach that people should believe
in only one god—allah. the
teachings of allah were revealed
to muhammad in a series of
visions throughout his life.

muHammad’S tEaCHingS
muhammad did not claim to be divine. He believed that
he was the last of the prophets and that he had received
messages from god, which he had to pass on to others. He
taught that there is only one god, that people should be
obedient to god’s will, and that all people were equal. He
also preached against the selfishness of the rich, the unjust
treatment of women, slaves, and poor people, and cruelty to
animals. in 632, knowing that his life was coming to an end,
he led a farewell pilgrimage to mecca. there he delivered a
famous sermon on the most important principles of islam.

PrOPHEt OF iSlam
muslims believe that angel
gabriel told muhammad
that he had been chosen
by god to be a prophet, in
the same way as moses and
abraham before him.



Pilgrims walk
seven times
around the

Find out more

c. 570 ce Born in mecca.
595 marries Khadija,
a wealthy widow.
610 Has a vision of the
angel gabriel telling him to
proclaim a new faith, islam.
613 Begins preaching to
the people of mecca.
622 leaves mecca and
travels to medina.
624 meccan army defeated
at Battle of Badr by much
smaller muslim force.
630 Conquers mecca.
632 dies in medina.



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