Gods and Goddesses
The Ancient Greeks
worshiped many gods
and goddesses. The goddess Athena
took part in battles and loved bravery. Athens,
the capital of Greece, is named after her.
Quetzalcoatl appears in Mexican mythology
as one of the greatest Aztec gods. As god of
air, Quetzalcoatl created the winds that blew
away the rain.
The TrojAn horse leGend
Greek soldiers conquered the
besieged city of Troy by hiding
in a huge wooden horse. When
the Trojans took the horse
inside the city walls, the Greeks
emerged and conquered Troy.
Before There Were Any Books, storytelling was an important way
of passing on knowledge and beliefs from one generation to the next.
often, the stories took the form of myths that explained mysteries of nature,
such as the origins of thunder. Ancient peoples told stories about gods and
goddesses, and about human heroes with special powers. These myths
became part of art and literature. some legends may have had a basis on
real people and real-life events. To make a better tale, parents exaggerated
the details as they repeated the legends to their children. every country has
its own legends. Paul Bunyan, the hero of stories told by north American
lumberjacks, supposedly carved out the Grand
Canyon by dragging his pick behind him.
sometimes, legendary monsters were created,
such as the werewolf that appears in stories
from many cultures.
A raven, flying over water,
could find nowhere to land. he
decided to create the world by
dropping small pebbles to
make islands.
sun Gods
The same myths can be
found in widely different
cultures thousands
of miles apart. This
is because natural things,
such as the rain, the sea,
and the moon, are
common to everyone.
Many peoples worshiped
sun gods: surya in India
and Apollo in Ancient
Greece were both
believed to ride across the
sky in chariots of flame.
Then he created trees and grass.
Beasts lived in the forest, birds
flew in the air above, and the
sea was filled with fish.
The Indian sun god,
Surya—as painted on a
doorway in Jaipur, India
After many failed attempts, the
raven succeeded in making the
first man and woman out of clay
and wood. At last, his world
was complete.
WIllIAM Tell
A famous swiss
legend describes
how William Tell
insulted his
country’s hated
Austrian rulers.
his punishment
was to shoot an
apple balanced on
his son’s head. he
succeeded, and later led
a revolt against Austrian rule.
The Egyptian
sun god, Ra
Athena, the Greek
goddess of bravery Quetzalcoatl, the Mexican god of air
Myths and legends
Find out more
Greece, ancient
CreATIon MyThs
Most peoples used myths
to explain how the world
may have begun. This
native American myth was
told by members of the
kwakiutl tribe.
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