Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The sioux and other tribes on
the Great plains lived in tepees.
Tepees were made of bison hides
stretched over a wooden frame
and were easy to put up. Flaps
at the top of the tepee could
be opened to allow smoke
from the fire to escape.


Door flap

Lodge pins made
from bone held
the hides together.

Paintings that told
a story decorated
the hides.

A fire was lit inside
the tepee for cooking
and warmth.

NaTive americaNs, or americaN iNdiaNs,
were the first people to live in North america,
having arrived from asia more than 20,000 years
ago. They wandered over the Bering strait,
which was a land bridge at the time and now
separates asia and North america, following
animals they were hunting. Gradually, these
early people settled into different tribes. over the
centuries, the tribes developed organized societies.
during the 1500s, europeans arrived in North
america for the first time. They thought they were
in the “indies,” or asia, so they called the natives
“a merican indians.” The europeans wanted land
and threatened the existence of native North
americans. The natives fought many wars with
the new settlers. during the 1800s, the tribes
resisted when the Us government tried to
make them leave their homelands. after
a bitter struggle, the Native americans
were moved onto reservations—areas
of land set aside for them—where
many still live today.

The native peoples of North america belonged
to numerous tribes. most of them hunted,
fished, and farmed. among the best-known tribes
are the cheyenne, comanche, and sioux, who
lived on the Great plains; the apache, Navajo, and
pueblo, who lived in the southwest; and the iroquois,
Huron, and cherokee, who lived in the east.

Women played an important part in the
life of a tribe. They provided the food,
made the clothes, and raised the children.
The women of the Hopi indians of the
southwest also owned the houses
and organized the village.

Bison hide
was used
to make
the tepee

one of the most successful native chiefs in leading
resistance to the “white man” was Geronimo (1829-1909),
of the chiricahua apache indians. Geronimo led raids
across the southwestern states and into mexico. in 1886,
he was captured and exiled to Florida. Later, he was
released and became a national celebrity.

Sign Language
each tribe of the natives spoke
its own language. But people
from different tribes were able
to communicate with each other
using a special sign language
they all understood.

Smoke flap open
for ventilation

Buffalo Keep



Straight poles
are bound
together at the
top to form a
cone shape.

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