Brain sends nerve
signals to muscles in
the hand, adjusting
the strength of
the grip so the
egg is neither
dropped nor
When people think of robots, they often imagine the metal
monsters of science-fiction movies. however, most robots at work today
look nothing like this. A robot is simply a computer-controlled machine
that carries out mechanical tasks. the Czech playwright karel Capek
invented the word robot, which comes from a Czech word meaning
“forced labor.” indeed, robots do jobs that would be dangerous or
boring for people to do. Many factories have robots that consist of a
single arm that is fixed in one spot. the robot simply repeats a task
that it has been instructed to perform, such as spray-painting car
parts. today, engineers are developing much more
sophisticated robots. these robots can move
around, and their electronic detectors
enable them to sense their surroundings.
they also have “intelligence,” which
means that they can respond to what
they see and hear and make decisions
for themselves. intelligent robots
are designed to act as guards and
fire fighters and may travel into
space to study distant worlds.
Touch sensors in
your hand detect
how hard you are
pressing on the egg.
Held too tightly—loosen grip.
fiCtion robots
the robots of science-
fiction, such as C-3p0 in
the movie Star Wars, are
often anthropoid
(humanlike). in
reality, anthropoid
robots are rare.
however, Japanese
engineers have built
experimental robots
with two legs.
robot ArM
sophisticated robots
work in factories,
assembling, spraying,
and welding
components (parts).
A skilled welder or
painter will have
programmed the
robot by leading it
(or a similar robot)
through the task.
some robots can
understand simple
spoken instructions, too.
robots often have sensors
such as laser vision systems
that help the robots find
and work on complex parts.
This bomb
disposal robot
runs on tracks so
that it can climb into
awkward places. It carries cameras to
send back pictures to the operator,
and a gun for detonating the bomb.
Find out more
spACe robot
in August 2012, an uncrewed exploration
rover, Curiosity (right), touched down on
Mars. its mission is to travel over the
Martian surface and gather samples of
rock and soil and study for signs of past
life. robot space probes such as these are
designed to obey instructions from
controllers on earth, but decide for
themselves how to carry out the orders.
Space probes
need to be able
to work
because radio
could take
minutes or even
hours to travel
from Earth.
reMote Control
Mobile robots do dangerous
jobs such as repairing and
dismantling nuclear reactors and
detonating concealed bombs.
these robots are remotely
controlled—a human operator
controls the general actions of
the robot from a safe distance,
and onboard computers control
detailed movements.
When you pick up an egg,
your senses begin sending
signals to your brain. from this information,
your brain automatically adjusts the movement
of your hand and the pressure of your fingers.
this adjustment is called feedback. Advanced
robots control their actions by feedback from
electronic detectors, such as lasers, television
cameras, and touch sensors.
Held too loosely—tighten grip.
One of the
17 cameras
on Curiosity
US_439_Robots.indd 439 12/02/16 5:40 pm