In 1932, the UnIted StateS was at one of its lowest points in history.
thirteen million people—nearly one-third of the country’s workforce—were
unemployed. then a new president was elected with a mission to make
americans prosperous again. When Franklin delano Roosevelt was disabled
by polio in the summer of 1921, it appeared to be the end of a promising
political career. But Roosevelt was a fighter and, helped by his wife, eleanor,
he regained the partial use of his legs. In 1928, he
was elected governor of new York and then ran for
president in 1932. he won a landslide victory, and
for 13 years—the longest time any United States
president has ever served—Roosevelt worked to
overcome the effects of unemployment and
poverty, telling americans that “the only thing
we have to fear is fear itself.” he launched the
new deal—a series of social reforms and
work programs. during World War II,
Roosevelt proved to be an able war leader,
and with his Soviet and British allies he did
much to shape the
postwar world.
FIReSIde chatS
President Roosevelt was an expert communicator
who used the then-new medium of the radio
to explain his controversial policies to the nation.
these informal “fireside chats” established
firm links between the president and the
american people.
In February 1945,
President Roosevelt,
Winston churchill,
the British prime
minister (far left),
and Joseph Stalin,
Soviet premier (far
right), met in the
Soviet resort of Yalta
to discuss the postwar
world. together they
decided to set up
the United nations.
Find out more
churchill, sir winston
of the 1930s
United nations
United states, history of
World war ii
The New Deal as
seen by a cartoonist
of the time.
eleanoR RooSevelt
throughout her life President
Roosevelt’s wife, eleanor
(1884-1962), was a tireless
campaigner for human
rights. after 1945, she
represented her country
in the United nations.
neW deal
during the depression
of the 1930s, Roosevelt
promised a “new deal.”
Federal programs
provided jobs for the
unemployed and tried
to return the country to
prosperity. new laws were
passed that provided better
conditions for workers and
pensions for retired workers.
1882 Born hyde Park,
new York.
1905 Passed new York State
Bar law exam.
1910 elected to new York
State Senate.
1913-20 assistant Secretary
of the navy.
1920 Runs for vice president.
1921 afflicted by polio.
1928 elected Governor of
new York.
1932 elected President of
the United States.
1933 Institutes new deal.
1936, 1940, 1944 Reelected
1941 United States enters
World War II after Japanese
bomb Pearl harbor, hawaii.
1945 Roosevelt dies just
before the end of the war.
Delano Roosevelt, Franklin
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