Space travel, computers, and reliable medical care are
just a few of the things that owe their existence to scientists
and inventors. Scientists study the natural world, from distant
galaxies to tiny atoms, and try to explain what they see.
the work of a scientist is based on a cycle of experiment,
observation, and theorization (making theories).
For instance, in the 17th century, english scientist Isaac
Newton experimented with sunlight passing through
a prism. From the spectrum (bands of colors) that he
observed, he suggested the theory that white light is a
mixture of colors. Inventors are people who think of
a new idea that can be put into practice. an
invention may be the result of a scientific
discovery, such as the laser, which theodore
Maiman (1927-2007) built because of his
knowledge of light and atoms. However,
this is not always the case. early people
invented the lever before they knew how
it worked. Whatever their chosen fields,
scientists and inventors have one thing in
common: they are people of rare insight
who make discoveries new to the world.
This stone blade was used
about 200,000 years ago in Egypt.
Italian scientist Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
made discoveries about force, gravity, and motion.
Modern astronomy began in 1609, when German
astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) discovered
the laws of planetary motion and Galileo built
a telescope to observe the heavens. During the 1700s,
the first engines were built by inventors such as James
Watt (1736-1819) of Scotland. chemistry advanced
as scientists discovered how everything is composed
of chemical elements such as oxygen and hydrogen.
ISaac NeWtoN
In 1687, Isaac Newton
(1642-1727) published the
daring idea that gravity is a
universal force, keeping planets
and moons in their orbits as
well as causing things to fall to the
ground. Newton (right) also put
forward the famous laws of motion,
and found that white light is
composed of the colors in the rainbow.
screw was a
device for
raising water.
The pump was
invented in the
2nd century bce.
aNcIeNt tIMeS
early people first invented tools
about 2 million years ago. about
10,000 years ago, people began to
settle in communities and started
farming and building. the first
civilizations grew up in the
Middle east, africa, India, and
china. there, people studied
the sun and stars, built simple
clocks, developed mathematics,
and discovered how to make
metals and pottery.
The plow
was invented in
about 4000 bce.
The wheel
was invented
in about
3500 bce.
In 1608, Dutch
optician Hans
Lippershey invented
the telescope.
Science, history of 456-
leoNarDo Da vINcI
the great Italian artist and
inventor leonardo da vinci
(1452-1519) designed
many machines, including
a parachute and a helicopter.
However, these machines
were not built in his lifetime.
Hero of Greece
built the first
simple steam
engine in the
1st century ce.
A balloon first
carried people
in 1783.
1000-1600 ce
During this period,
arabic civilizations made
several discoveries,
particularly about the
nature of light. after
about 1000 ce, people in
europe began to use the
scientific method of the
ancient Greeks. polish
astronomer Nicolaus
copernicus (1473-1543)
suggested that earth
orbits the sun, and
andreas vesalius
(1514-64), a Flemish
doctor, made discoveries
about human anatomy.
In 1438, Johannes
Gutenberg of Germany
(c.1398-1468) invented
the modern
printing process.
GreeKS aND roMaNS
From about 600 bce, the
Greeks began to study their
world. Great philosophers
(thinkers) such as pythagoras
developed the “scientific
method”—the principle of
observation and experiment that
is still the basis of science today.
the Greeks studied mathematics
and astronomy and invented
simple machines. at around the
same time, the romans used
Greek scientific ideas to help
them build great structures.
Greek scientist archimedes
(287-212 bce) explained
how levers and pulleys work
and discovered how things
float. this idea is said to
have come to him
while he was
in his bath.
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