South Africa 474-
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Africa, history of
National parks
AFricA’s southErNmost lANd, south Africa is immensely rich in
natural resources, with a varied landscape and diverse animal species. in
the 17th century, the cape town region was settled by dutch colonists, who
were soon followed by the British. From the 1830s, the dutch (or Boers)
began to penetrate the interior. here, they clashed with the black majority,
particularly the Zulus, a disciplined and effective fighting force. in the
20th century, south Africa was dominated by the white minority. the black
population was deprived of the vote until 1994, when south Africa held its
first multiracial, democratic elections. south Africa’s diverse economy is
based on mining and agriculture. it is just beginning to exploit its tourist
potential. two independent countries, lesotho and swaziland, marooned
within south Africa, are economically dependent on their neighbor.
until 1994, the “apartheid”
system enforced the
separation of the black
majority from the ruling
white minority. many
black people were
forced to live in purpose-
built “townships,” and still
live there today. soweto is a
sprawling group of townships with
a population of about two million.
it is situated outside Johannesburg,
where most of its inhabitants work,
forcing them to travel long distances each day.
cApE towN
cape town, home to the south African
parliament, is situated along the southwestern
shores of table Bay. the town is dominated by the
distinctive shape of table mountain, which rises to
3,300 ft (1,005 m). cape town was the first place
to be settled by dutch colonists in the 17th
century. it was strategically placed on the main
shipping routes between Europe and Asia. today,
it is still a major port and commercial center.
situated at the southern tip of the
African continent, south Africa is
bordered by both the Atlantic and
indian oceans. much of the
country consists of a broad plateau,
bordered in the northeast by the
arid Namib and Kalahari deserts,
and in the south by mountains and
a sandy, coastal plain.
A fertile lAnd
south Africa, with its fertile soils
and warm climate, is ideally
situated for agriculture. the main
crops grown for export are wheat,
sugar cane, potatoes, peanuts,
citrus fruits, and tobacco.
sheep and cattle graze the veld.
European settlers brought vines to
south Africa in the 17th century.
the cape province is a major wine-
producing area, and south African
wine is exported all over the world.
south Africa is the world’s largest
gold producer. it also exports large
quantities of diamonds, manganese,
chromium, and platinum.
thE drAKENsBErg
the drakensberg, or dragon
mountains, are a large range in the
southeast of south Africa. they form a
steep escarpment, reaching the height
of 11,424 ft (3,482 m), which rises out
of south Africa’s central plateau. much
of south Africa’s interior is dominated
by tableland. this is an area of dry,
rolling grassland (veld), with scattered
trees. in places it is more than 3,900 ft
(1,200 m) above sea level. it is grazed by
both sheep and cattle.
sErviNg Food
wooden vessels are
used throughout the
African continent.
Bowls like this one
from lesotho are
traditionally carved
from a single block of wood.
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