Three very differenT Types of landscape dominate the triangular
continent of south America. Along the western coast, the towering Andes
Mountains reach to more than 22,600 ft (6,900 m) in height. dense rain
forest covers the hot and humid northeastern area. farther south, are
great open plains of grass and scrub. There are also huge mineral deposits
and rich farming lands. despite this, some of the 12 nations that make up
the continent are underdeveloped.
Until about 195 years ago, spain and portugal ruled
almost all of south America. Most people still speak
spanish or portuguese. The population is made
up of three groups: those descended from
european settlers, native Americans, and people
of mixed ancestry. Many people are desperately poor and can barely afford
to buy food. Large sections of the population are uneducated and cannot
read or write. Many south American governments are insecure or unstable.
Most have borrowed large sums of money from wealthier nations. The cost of
repaying these debts makes it hard for some
countries to develop. But Brazil and
Argentina are emerging as major
economic powers.
Andes MoUnTAins
stretching the entire length of the continent,
the Andes mountain chain is 4,500 miles
(47,250 km) long. As well as mineral
deposits, the Andes have rich
farming land in mountain valleys
and on the Altiplano, a large
plateau in peru and Bolivia.
With a population of more than
30 million, peru is one of the larger
south American countries. it includes a
long stretch of the Andes and part of the
rain forest. Many people live on mountain
farms and are very poor. others work on
plantations growing coffee, sugar, and cotton
for export. oil has recently been discovered
and is bringing some wealth to peru.
Care of the Argentine cattle is the job
of cowboys called gauchos.
the Andes follow
routes through the few low passes.
Using The LAnd
Large herds of cattle roam
the grasslands of the pampas,
supporting the meat-packing
trade in Argentina, Uruguay,
and paraguay. Corn is grown as
a staple crop across the continent.
Coffee is grown as a cash crop in Brazil
and Colombia, while coca plants grown in
Bolivia, peru, and Colombia provide most of
the world’s cocaine, an illegal drug.
in the Andes Mountains on
the border between peru and
Bolivia, Lake Titicaca is the
highest large lake in the world.
The lake’s surface is 12,507 ft
(3,812 m) above sea level.
some parts are 600 ft (180 m)
deep. Although large ships
operate on the lake, the local
people still use reed to build
their traditional fishing boats.
South America 476-
Coffee is
still picked by
hand in parts of
South America.
south America lies south of the
isthmus of panama, between
the Atlantic and pacific oceans.
it covers 6.9 million sq miles
(17.8 million sq km).
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