Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



history of the

Magna Carta
the Magna Carta (great Charter)
of 1215 was an agreement
between the king and the nobles
of England. the charter promised
that the king would not abuse his
royal power to tax the nobles.
this important moment in
English history was the start of
the belief that even kings must
obey certain laws of the land.

United Kingdom

a truly multitalented king, Henry VIII was an expert at
many things, from jousting and archery to lute-playing and
languages. His impact on England was tremendous. In 1541,
he forced the Irish Parliament to recognize him as king of
Ireland. He also broke from the roman Catholic Church,
in order to divorce his wife, and became head of a new
Church of England. Henry was an absolute
ruler who executed anyone who
displeased him, including
two of his six wives.

In 1801, tHE UnItEd KIngdoM came into being with the act of
Union. Before that, there had been four separate nations: England,
Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. However, England had begun taking
over the government of Wales in the 1000s, Ireland in the 1100s, and
had shared a joint monarchy with Scotland since 1603. the United
Kingdom is a small country, but by 1850 it had become the richest
and most powerful nation in the world, controlling the largest empire
in history. Even today, the Commonwealth of nations includes more
than 50 independent countries that were once British colonies. the
United Kingdom has often been forced to fight long and bitter wars,
but has survived and prospered because of its
island position and its strong navy. the
British system of laws and government by
Parliament has become a model that
many other nations have copied.

PalEolItHIC SEttlErS
a quarter of a million years ago, during mild
conditions between two ice ages, people
began to settle in Britain. they walked across
the bridge of land which joined Britain to
Europe at the time.

BattlE of HaStIngS
In 1066, a battle changed the course of
English history. a norman army led
by William the Conqueror defeated
an English king, Harold of
Wessex, at Hastings, in southern
England. William’s descendants
have ruled the country ever
since. as king, he built castles in
his new kingdom and gave land
to powerful barons. they, in turn,
gave land to local lords for
agreeing to fight for them.
Peasants farmed the land of
the local lord and paid rent in
produce and money. this
system was called feudalism.

UnIon flag
the flag of the United
Kingdom is made up from the red
crosses of Saint george of England
and Saint Patrick of Ireland, plus the white Saint andrew’s cross
of Scotland, on a blue background. Wales has its own flag.

1485 Battle of Bosworth.
Henry VII becomes the first
tudor king.
1534 Parliament declares
Henry VIII head of the Church
of England.
1588 English navy defeats the
Spanish armada (fleet) sent by
Philip II, King of Spain.

c. 870 Viking conquest of
Britain begins.
1066 normans invade Britain.
1215 Magna Carta agreement
between the king and the nobles
of England.
1282 Edward I, King of England,
conquers Wales.

united kingdom
43 ce ancient romans,
under Claudius, invade
Britain and make it part
of their empire.
411 romans leave Britain.
c. 500 Christian missionaries
arrive in Britain and preach
Christianity to the people.

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