Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



Aachen Cathedral 112
aardvarks 331
Abidjan, Ivory Coast 563
abolitionist movement 8 , 317,
aboriginal Australians 9 , 53, 54,
57, 58
absolute dating 422
absolute zero 252
Abu Dhabi 348
acacia trees 242
acceleration 215
accents (over letters) 20
accretion disc 77
acid rain 417
acorns 227, 530
acoustics 406
Acre, city of 150
acropolis, Athens 244, 245
acrylic paints 401
Act of Union (1801) 536, 540
action and reaction 215
action painting 399
actors 246, 359, 360, 460, 520,
acupuncture 116, 337
Adams, John 154, 296, 425
addax 160
addiction 167
Adelaide, Australia 55
Aegean civilizations 83
aerial surveys 231
aerosols 418
Afghanistan 110, 111, 269
AFL see American Federation of
Africa 10-15, 149, 200, 242
Central 106-107
East 172-174, 557
history 14-15, 71
North 11, 379-380
slave trade 16, 467-468
Southern 490-491
West 11, 71, 561-564
see also South Africa
African-Americans 16
rights of 122, 264, 300, 301
soldiers 123
and Supreme Court 511
women 571
African elephant 184
African National Congress 15,
264, 332
African Union 15
African violets 142
aging 263
agora 245
agricultural revolution 205
agriculture see farming
AIDS 164
ailerons 18
AIM see American Indian
air 51, 228, 326, 395
aircraft 17-18, 51, 186, 188, 278,
342, 413, 529
autopilot 328
fighting 573, 575
helicopters 253 , 508
loudness 473
navigation 373
spy planes 128
air masses 559
air pressure 558, 559

air sports 502
air-traffic control 138
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge 82
Akkad 509
Alabama 301
Alans 63
Alaric the Goth 63
Alaska 34, 282, 381, 384, 543,
544 , 546
Albania 489
Albert, Prince 550
albino animals 229
Alcatraz prison 370
alchemy 113
Alcock, John 18
Alcott, Louisa May 321
Alexander the Great 19 , 61,
245, 402, 403, 508
Alexandria, Egypt 19, 121
algae 346, 422, 459
Algarve, Portugal 420
algebra 335
Algeria 379
Alhambra Palace 497
alimentary canal 161
Allah 288, 361
All Blacks 376
alleles 230
alligators 149 , 436
alloys 342
alphabets 20 , 447
alpha particles 427
Alps 59, 219, 222, 232, 233, 290,
357, 358, 488, 512
aluminum 342
alveoli 326
Amazon River 79, 80, 130, 438,
amber 182
American Antislavery Society 8
American Federation of Labor
American Indians see Native
American Indian Movement
American Revolution 21-22,
144, 154, 223, 296, 555
ammonites 218 , 423
Amnesty International 264
amniotic fluid 434
amoeba 346
amperes 560
amphibians 23, 24, 142, 225 ,
amplification 183
Amritsar, India 271
Amsterdam, Netherlands 259, 324
anacondas 470
anesthetics 167
anarchism 238
Anatolia 534
anatomy 73, 313
see also human body
ANC see African National
ancestor worship 562
Andalucia, Spain 496, 497
Andersen, Hans Christian
Andes 36, 130, 267, 357, 358,
476 , 477, 478
anemometer 558
anemones 147 , 458, 459
Angel Falls 478
angelfish 390
anglerfish 155

Angola 490
animals 23-26, 73, 175
camouflage 86, 90 , 391, 437
and color 132
endangered species 142-143,
160, 184, 242, 358
farm 202-203
flight 210-211
hibernation 254 , 469
microscopic 346
migration 350 , 567
nests and burrows 374
prehistoric 421-422
seed dispersal 227
senses 25-26, 168
in sports 502
and transportation 496, 497,
528, 568
in warfare 19, 38, 352
working 261, 267, 509, 528
zoos 581
see also amphibians;
mammals; reptiles; wildlife
Ankara, Turkey 533
annelids 577
anole lizards 323
Antarctica 27-28, 125, 236, 414,
anteaters 241
antennae 25, 26, 280, 469
anthers 212
Anthony, Susan B. 468, 570
anthropology 455
antibiotics 167
anticyclones 559
antihistamines 167
anti-Semitism 259
antiseptics 339
anti-slavery movement 8, 468 ,
532, 579
antlions 280
ants 29 , 217, 241
aorta 250
Apache people 371
apartheid 15, 264, 332, 474
Apennines 290, 292
apes 353-354, 424
aphids 70
Apollo (god) 368
Apollo missions 129
moon landing 355, 529, 543
apothecaries 338
Appalachians 381
Appaloosa horse 261
apples 220, 226
aqueducts 82
Arabs 39, 43, 47, 87, 172, 273,
347-349, 456, 561
arachnids 24, 500
Aral Sea 110
arc 335
archaeology 30-31, 370, 482,
533, 554
Archaeopteryx 210
arch bridges 82 , 215
archer fish 334
archers 99, 352
archery 502
arches 32, 33
Archimedes 456
Archimedes’ screw 327 , 456
architecture 32-33, 55, 121
ancient wonders 572
Caribbean 95
European 190, 221, 233, 234,
290, 324, 489, 498, 499, 550
Norman 378
Renaissance 433
skyscrapers 91, 543
Arctic 34-35, 49, 90, 125, 190, 236,
282, 381, 414-415, 448, 452
Arctic Ocean 35 , 39, 387

Arctic tern 35, 210, 350
area 560
Argentina 36-37, 241, 476, 481
soccer team 477
argonauts (shellfish) 462
Ariane rocket 440
Aristarchus 48, 170
Aristophanes 246
Aristotle 19, 73, 432
arithmetic 335, 386
Armada, Spanish 185
armadillos 160, 241, 331
Armenia 103
Armenians 534
Alexander the Great’s 19
Australian 57
Civil War 123, 124
English 189
North Korean 304
Ottoman 394
Roman 444
armillary sphere 432
armor 38 , 287, 302
Armstrong, Louis 16
Armstrong, Neil 46, 355, 529,
army ants 29
aromatherapy 337
art 398-401
aboriginal 9, 54
ancient Greek 246
Aztec 60
Chinese 116
European 191, 233, 498
Inuit 282
Islamic 288
religious 398, 430
Renaissance 313, 398, 433
restoration 401
war 124
see also cave paintings; rock
arteries 250, 263
arthritis 164
Arthur, King, 303
Asante, Ghana 563
Asclepius 338
asexual reproduction 411
Ashanti peoples 10
Asia 39-44, 145, 352
art 399
Central 110-111
history 43-44
steppes 43, 241, 242
Southeast 39, 40, 43, 44, 482-
Asian elephant 184
Asian water dragon 322
aspirin 167
assassinations 300, 301, 317,
548, 573
asses 260-261
asteroids 409 , 410
astrology 504
astronauts 46 , 395, 449, 494, 495
astronomy 47-48, 134, 336, 456,
457, 504, 517
astrophysics 406
Aswan High Dam 151
Atacama Desert 478
Atahualpa, Inca emperor 141
Ataturk, Kemal 196
Athena 244, 368
Athens, Greece 244, 245, 246
Atlantic Ocean 49-50, 106, 145,
199, 452
atlas moth 217
Atlas mountains 357, 380
atmosphere 51 , 169, 409
atolls 147, 388
atomic bombs 129, 576

see also nuclear weapons
atomic clocks 126
atomic energy 180
atoms 52 , 113, 385, 406, 427
Atrebates 105
Attila the Hun 63
Auckland, New Zealand 376
Augustus, Roman emperor 443
aurora borealis 35
auroras 510
Auschwitz camp 259
Australia 9, 53-58, 225
history 57-58, 146
Uluru 53, 54, 441
Australia 53
Austria 59 , 247, 573, 575
autobiography 321
autocue 518
automatic machines 328
autopilot 373
avalanches 357 , 512
aviaries 581
ax, hand 506
axis 335
axles 328, 568
axolotl 308
axons 78
Ayers Rock see Uluru
Aymara people 477
Azerbaijan 103
Azores 49
Aztecs 60 , 141, 368, 563


Babbage, Charles 139
Babel, Tower of 310
babies 263, 278, 434-435, 465
baboons 354
Babylon, city of 61 , 572
Babylonians 61 , 373 , 386, 522,
Bach, Johann Sebastian 136
backbone see spine
back projection 360
Bacon, Francis 460
bacteria 156, 164 , 167, 209, 339,
346, 422, 472
badgers 227
Baffin Bay 93
Bahrain 347, 349
Baikal, Lake 448
Baird, John Logie 519
Baja California, Mexico 344
Bakelite 413
balance 168 , 262
balance of payments 524
bald eagle 383
baleen whales 566
ballet 137, 447
ball game, Mayan 336
balloons, hot-air 456, 529
Baltic States 62 , 191
Bambuku head 562
Bandelier National
Monument 370
Bangladesh 269, 271
banking 191, 351 , 512
bank notes 351
Bantu people 14
baobab trees 159, 242
baptism 119
Barbarians 63 , 443
Barcelona, Spain 498
barges 234, 274, 438, 528
bark 531
barnacles 148
barographs 558
Baroque era 33, 136

INDEX 582–

Page numbers in bold type have most
information in them.

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