Charles II, king of England 189,
Charles V, Holy Roman
Emperor 247
Chartists 541
Chartres Cathedral 195, 221
châteaux 220
Chaucer, Geoffrey 538, 579
cheerleaders 365
cheese 221, 324
cheetahs 319
chemicals 113, 167, 228, 392, 413
energy from 182
polluting 417
chemistry 113 , 456
Chernobyl disaster 493, 535
Chiang Kai-shek 333
Chicago, IL 381
Chichen-Itza 383
chickenpox 164
chickens 202, 203, 204
child labor 551
Chile 36, 37, 478
chilies 199, 226
chimpanzees 354
Chimu empire 480
China 39, 43, 114-117, 205, 352,
527, 581
art 399
Communism 114, 135, 333
knowledge 89, 134, 373, 440
and Korean War 305
languages 116, 310
money 351
Yangtze River 40, 42, 117
Shang dynasty 83
writing 20, 116
Chinese immigrants 265
Chisholm, Shirley 571
chitin 279, 466
chitons 459
chivalry 302
chlorophyll 411
chocolate 199, 325, 412, 563
cholera 164, 173, 209
chordates 23
Christianity 112, 118-119, 195,
297 , 340, 431
and art 398
Crusades 150 , 303
and drama 234, 520
in Ethiopia 172
holidays 258
in India 268
and Jerusalem 289, 430
and Ottoman Empire 394
in the Philippines 482
Roman Empire and 63, 87,
118, 195, 297
see also Protestantism; Roman
Christmas 118, 203, 258
chromosomes 229
chrysalis 280
churches 118, 291, 378, 398, 535
Churchill, Winston 120 , 128,
Church of England 185, 540
Church of the Holy Sepulchre
CIA see Central Intelligence
cichlid fish 207
CIO see Congress of Industrial
circle 335
circuit boards 183
circuits, electric 181
circulatory system 262, 338
circumference 335
cirques 236
CITES (Convention on
International Trade in
Endangered Species) 143
cities 121 , 190
ancient 60, 276, 443
see also capital cities; towns
Citipati 163
civil law 311
civil rights 16, 122 , 264, 300,
301, 511
Civil War, American 64, 123-124,
317, 416, 532, 547
civil wars
Africa 11, 13, 106, 172, 173,
490, 491, 561, 563
Central America 108
English 189 , 541
Middle East 348
Roman Empire 88
Russia 492
South America 130
Southeast Europe 486, 488
Spanish 496, 497
clans 538
Clark, William 296, 314
classical music 137, 364, 365
claws, cats’ 319
Clay, Henry 140
cliffs 459
Clifton suspension bridge 275
climate 125
Antarctica 27
Asia 40, 242, 272, 348
Atlantic Ocean 49
Central America 108
Europe 190, 191, 193, 219,
222, 232
North America 92, 381, 543
see also weather
climbing 357, 395
clippers 464
clocks 126 , 328
cloning 230
closed-circuit television 518
clothes 524
historic and traditional 286,
488, 533, 537
clotting, blood 250
clouds 51, 169, 428, 507, 559
clown fish 147
cnidarians 24
coal 34, 127 , 232, 234, 274, 510
and pollution 417
Welsh 538
coal gas 228
coast see beaches; seashore
coats of arms 298-299
cobras 159
coca 130, 476
cochlea 168
cockchafer beetles 70
cockles 462
cockroaches 279, 280
cocoa beans 563
coconuts 227, 531
cocoons 85, 500
cod 206, 421, 452
coelacanths 389
Coelophysis 437
coffee 39, 59, 130, 476, 481
coins 351
coke 287
Cold War 49, 128-129, 532
collagen 465
collectives 492
Colonial America 131
colonies, animal 374
colonies, European see British
Empire; and particular
Colorado beetles 70
Colorado River 381, 544
Colombia 130
Colosseum, Rome 443
Colossus of Rhodes 572
color 132 , 519
Columbus, Christopher 133 , 258
columns 32
comedies (drama) 246, 460, 520
comets 134
common law 311
Commonwealth, British 540,
communications 514 , 516, 574
Communion, Holy 118, 297
Communism 44, 135 , 157, 193,
196, 486, 488
China 114, 135, 333
North Korea 304, 305
Soviet Union 129, 135, 196,
446, 447, 486, 492-493
Vietnam 552
magnetic 49, 93, 329 , 373
proportional 432
composers 136-137, 190, 247,
composites 413
compost 472
compounds, chemical 113
computers 138-139, 277-278,
327, 457, 513 , 516
on aircraft 17, 18, 278
in cars 98
and music 137
and photographs 405
production of 115
in trains 526
and weather forecasting 559
concave shape 316
concentration camps 259, 576
conch shells 462
Concorde 17, 529
concrete 151, 442
condensation 252
conduction 251
conductors 181
Confederacy 123-124, 317
congenital diseases 164
conglomerate 441
Congo 106
Congo, Democratic Republic of
the 106, 107
Congo River 106, 107
Congress 140 , 312
Congress of Industrial
Organizations 306
Congreve, Sir William 440
coniferous trees 216, 530
conquistadors 60, 141
conservation 86, 142-143, 156,
160, 166, 319
forests 217, 354
grasslands 242
lakes and rivers 308
polar regions 415
wetlands 334
wild flowers 213
Constantine the Great 87
Constantinople see Istanbul
constellations 503, 504
Constitution, US 140, 144 , 239,
266, 311, 312, 416, 425, 511,
547, 548
constrictors 470
container ships 419, 463
Continental Congress 154 , 296,
continental drift 145, 170
continental shelf 388, 390
continents 145 , 170
contraction 252
convection 251
convergent evolution 198
convex shape 316
convicts 57
Cook, James 57, 146
Cooksonia 422
cooperative movement 275
cooperatives, farmers’ 343
Copenhagen, Denmark 453
Copernicus, Nicolaus 170, 432 ,
copper 342, 478
Copper Age 83
coral islands 272, 273
coral reefs 56, 147 , 153, 176,
207, 388, 389, 390 , 396, 469
corals 147 , 390, 458
Cordillera Cantabrica 498, 499
core, Earth’s 169
cork 420, 531
corn 476
cornea 201
coronal mass ejections 510
corona, sun’s 510
corries 236
corrosion 342
Corsica 219
Cortés, Hernán 141
cosmonauts 46, 494
Costa Rica 109
Côte D’Azur 222
Coto Doñana National Park
cotton 110, 269, 274, 468
mills 275
cottonmouth snake 334
cotyledons 227
Coubertin, Baron Pierre de 393
counterpoint 136
Counter-Reformation 429
courts 311
see also Supreme Court
cowboys 565
coyotes 166
crabs 148 , 458
African 11, 14, 71, 474
of barbarian tribes 63
Native American 372, 383
Roman 444
cranes 329, 419, 463, 568
crayfish 307
creation myths 368
credit cards 278, 351
crevasses 236
cricket (sport) 95, 536
crickets 26, 142, 280
Crick, Francis 73
Crimean peninsula 535
critical mass 385
Croatia 488
crocodiles 142, 149 , 436, 437
crocodilians 436
Cromwell, Oliver 189, 541
crops 204 , 205
cross of Lorraine 298
crowbars 328
crucifixion 297
cruise liners 27, 463 , 528 , 574
Crusades 150 , 303
crustaceans 24, 148 , 458
crust, Earth’s 169 , 170, 171, 231
Crystal Palace 550
crystals 442
Cuba 95, 135, 256, 300, 481, 548
cubism 399
cubits 560
cuckoos 75, 350
cucumbers 226
Cugnot, Nicolas 98
Cultural Revolution 333
cuneiform 20, 61, 83
Curaçao 96
Curie, Marie and Pierre 427
curlews 75, 458
currency 53, 190, 194, 447
pirates’ 408
currents, electric 181, 182, 183
measuring 560
currents, ocean 272, 387 , 414
currents, river 438
cuttlefish 391
Cuzco, Peru 267
Cycladic culture 83
cycling 221, 249, 393, 529
disabled 513
cyclones 507, 559
Cyprus 534
Cyrillic alphabet 20, 447
Cyrus the Great 61, 402
Czechoslovakia 157, 196, 247,
439, 575
Daguerre, Louis 404
Daimler, Gottlieb 98
Dakar, Senegal 561
Dalai Lama 115, 269
Dali, Salvador 398, 498
Dalton, John 52, 113, 457
dams 111, 151 , 231, 438, 563
damselflies 280
dance 152
ballet 137, 447
flamenco 496, 497
tango 36
traditional 9, 13, 270, 396,
482, 488
dandelions 227
Danube River 59, 190 , 486, 487
Danyang–Kushan Grand
Bridge 82
Dao people 483
Dare, Virginia 131
Darius I, king of Persia 402
Darius III, king of Persia 19
Dark Age 340
dark energy 549
dark matter 549
Darwin, Charles 153 , 197
date palms 160
Dauphin of France 298
Davis, Jefferson 123
Davis, John 477
Davison, Emily 570
Davy Lamp 274
Day of the Dead 256, 430
days 522
D-day landings 576
DDT 176
Dead Sea 289, 309
death 430, 431
decibels 473
deciduous trees 216, 412, 530
decimal system 386
Declaration of Independence 8,
154 , 296, 505, 555
deep-sea wildlife 155-156
deer 216, 242
defense 240
Delacroix, Eugène 399
Delhi, India 270
deltas 438
democracy 157 , 244, 245, 293,
497, 543
Democratic Party 140, 416
Democritus 52
dendrites 78
Denmark 35, 452, 453
dentine 515
dentists 179, 515
Depression (1930s) 158 , 320,
dermatology 337
desalination 348
desert roses (minerals) 442
deserts 39, 56, 114, 125, 174,
176, 228, 347, 383, 478, 490,
aestivation 254
cold 159
dust devils 507
hot 160
mirages 316
wildlife 159-160, 254, 374, 383
see also Sahara Desert
desktop publishing 277
detritivores 175
dhows 273
diabetes 167
diagnosis 337
diameter 335
diaphragm 326
diatoms 346
Dickens, Charles 579
dictatorships 238
diesel fuel 187, 392
digestion 161 , 251, 263
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