Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
fleas 76, 280
water 148
Fleming, Alexander 339
flies 26, 209 , 279, 280
animal 210-211
history of 18 , 313
flint working 336, 506, 513
flood barriers 151
flood plains 438
floods 438
Florence, Italy 433
Florey, Howard 339
Florida 131, 382
flowers 212-213, 216, 226, 227,
242, 411, 412
alpine 358
bulbs 324
festival 537
roses 213, 486, 536
flu (influenza) 164
fluorescent light 315
flutes 366 , 367
flying fish 207
Flynn, Elizabeth 306
fold mountains 357
folktales 233
food 23, 202, 248, 249, 287
caviar 283, 448, 449
chains and webs 175-176, 389
digestion 161 , 251, 263
and disease 164
edible fungi 363
fruits 226
GM 230
national specialties 116, 221,
232, 290, 293, 294, 497
plants 412
technology 514
football 214
see also soccer
force 215
force feeding 570
Ford cars 98 , 548
forests 125, 176, 213, 234, 269,
357, 381, 452, 530
wildlife 216-217
see also rain forests
forgery 351
Fort Knox 240
forum, Roman 443
fossil fuels 127, 417, 418
fossils 162, 197, 210, 218 , 231,
330, 422
Founding Fathers 154, 547
four-stroke engine 187
Fourth of July 154, 258
foxes 26, 90, 165-166, 175, 176,
fractals 335
fractions 386
Fragonard, Jean 399
France 104, 194, 219-222, 224,
238, 377, 529, 575
and American Revolution 21,
22, 223
architecture 33, 195
colonies 91, 92, 94, 95, 106,
311, 379, 397
history 63, 88, 105, 112, 298,
369, 378
TGV 220, 526
Franco, General 497
Frank, Anne 259, 578
Franklin, Benjamin 21, 144, 154,
182, 223 , 296
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke 573
Freedom Rides 122
free-range animals 202, 204
freezing process 208
French horns 367
French language 20, 92, 310
French Revolution 224 , 369
frequencies 426, 473
frescos 400, 401
Freud, Sigmund 339
friction 215

Friedan, Betty 571
frigate birds 390
frilled lizard 322
frogs 23, 73, 175, 198, 217, 225 ,
fronts, weather 559
fruit bats 67, 210
fruit 108, 226-227, 249, 412
fry 207
fuel cells 182
fuels 228, 251, 392, 440
see also coal; natural gas; oil
Fuji, Mount 293, 295
Fulani people 106
fulcrum 328
fungi 29, 363
fur, mammals’ 331
fur trade 94, 131, 314, 319
furnaces 286
blast 287
Gabon 106
Gabriel, Angel 361
Gagarin, Yuri 46, 447, 493
Gaia theory 170
Galápagos Islands 142, 153, 323
galaxies 48, 72, 77, 517, 549
galaxy clusters 549
Galen 338
galena 442
Galileo Galilei 48, 126, 243, 432 ,
456, 517
Galileo spacecraft 495
galloping 261
Galvani, Luigi 182
Gama, Vasco da 44, 200
Gambia 563
game reserves 13
gamma rays 48, 427
Gandhi, Mohandas 264
Ganesha 430
Ganges River 268, 270
gardens 212, 213, 294
Garnier, Jean Louis Charles 33
Garrison, William Lloyd 8
gas 228
see also natural gas
gases 251 , 466
gasoline 187, 392
lead-free 529
gastropods 469
Gates, Bill 139
gauchos 36, 476
Gaudi, Antonio 498
Gaul 63, 88
Gayle, Chris 95
gazelles 160, 241, 242
gears 328, 568
geckos 242, 322, 323, 437
geese 203, 415, 459
Geiger counter 427
gemstones 442
generators 182
genes 229-230, 427
genetically modified foods 230
genetics 229-230
Geneva, Switzerland 512
Genghis Khan 352
genocide 259
geology 231 , 455
see also fossils; rocks
geomagnetism 329
geometry 335
geophysics 406
George, St. 302
Georgia 103
geothermal energy 170
Germany 194, 196, 232-235, 265,
division of 128
union of 232, 234
and World War I 574
and World War II 232, 233,
germination 227
Geronimo 371
gestation 331
Gettysburg Address 317

Gettysburg, Battle of 123
geysers 554
Ghana 563
gharials 149
Gherkin 29
ghettos 259
Giant’s Causeway 441
giant stars 503, 504
gibbons 354
Gibraltar 498
Gila cliff dwellings 370
Gila monster 323
Gilgamesh 509
gills 206, 225, 279, 326, 395
ginger 217
ginseng 304
Giotto 398
giraffes 23
glaciers 28, 236 , 309, 384, 453
glasnost 129, 493
glass 237 , 316, 403
stained 195, 221, 237
glasses 201
glass lizards 322
Glass, Philip 137
Glendalough, Ireland 285
gliding 211
Global Positioning System 373
global warming 34, 236, 417
Globe Theatre 460, 520
glowworms 70
glucose 362
gluteus maximus 362
glyphs 336
GM see genetically modified
GMT see Greenwich Mean Time
goats 203 , 358
Gobi Desert 159, 242
God (monotheistic)
Christian 291, 297
Jewish 299, 431
Muslim (Allah) 288, 361
gods and goddesses 255, 276,
368, 430
goggles 413
gold 13, 127, 141, 267, 342, 351,
474, 490, 563
rushes 58, 79, 92, 544, 565
Golden Gate bridge 252, 451
Gompers, Samuel 306
gondolas 290
Gondwanaland 145
Gorbachev, Mikhail 129, 492,
gorges 438 , 487
Gorgosaurus 162
gorillas 106, 173, 330, 353
gospels 297
Gothic architecture 32, 33, 55
Goths 63
gourds 564
government 140, 238-240
governors, state 239
GPS see Global Positioning
graffiti 443
Granada, Spain 497
Grand Canyon 63, 381 , 544
granite 441
Grant, Ulysses S. 124, 370
grapes 219, 226 , 420
Grapes of Wrath, The 320
grasses 241, 260, 412
grasshoppers 26, 241, 280
grassland wildlife 241-242
grass snakes 242, 470
gravity 46, 51, 77, 215, 243 , 387,
456, 510
Great Barrier Reef 53, 56
Great Bear Lake 93
Great Britain (steamship) 275
Great Dividing Range 54
Great Exhibition 550
Great Lakes 131, 309, 381, 382,
Great Leap Forward 333

Great Plains, North America
371, 372, 381, 382 , 565
Great Rift Valley 173
Greece, ancient 195, 245-246
architecture 32
combat sports 502
democracy 157
frescos 401
gods and goddesses 368
Homer 321, 578
knowledge 47, 48, 52, 73, 170,
182, 188, 231, 335, 338, 432,
Olympic Games 393
slaves 467
temples 32, 244, 245, 291,
533, 572
theater 246, 520
triremes 246, 464
Turkey and 533
wonders 572
see also Alexander the Great
Greece, modern 244 , 534
Greek alphabet 20
Greek islands 244
green cards 266
greenhouse effect 125, 187, 417
Greenland 34, 35, 236, 282, 452,
454, 553
Greenpeace 142
Greenwich Mean Time 522
Grimm, Jakob and Wilhelm 233
grizzly bears 68, 314
grouper fish 390
growth, human 263
Guadeloupe 95
Guanajuato, Mexico 344
Guatemala 108, 336
Guernsey 537
Guevara, Che 481
guilds 341
guitars 366, 497
Gulf of Mexico 49, 382, 387,
419, 507
Gulf of Taranto 292
Gulf Stream 49, 387
Gulliver’s Travels 320
gulls 75, 458, 459
gunpowder 99, 315, 440
Gurus 431
Gutenberg, Johannes 456
gymnastics 502
gypsies 486, 497
gypsum 442
gyroscopes 568




habitat 176
loss of 142, 143
Habsburgs 59, 247 , 429, 488
Hadrian’s Wall 444
hail 428 , 507
Haiti 467
halite 442
Halley’s comet 134
Halloween 258
Hamburg, Germany 235
Hamilton, Alexander 416
hammerhead sharks 461
Hammurabi, king of Babylon 61
hamsters 229, 254
Han Chinese 115
Hancock, John 154
hand (measurement) 261
Handel, George Frideric 136 , 365
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Hanseatic League 195
Harappa 276
hardware 139, 277
harems 394
hares, Arctic 90
Harlem, New York 16
harmonics 473

harmony 136
Harold II, king of England 540
Harpers Ferry raid 8
Harry Potter movies 360
harvesting 204
harvest mice 374
Harvey, William 338
hatchetfish 156
Hausa people 562
Hawaii 197, 396, 544 , 546 , 548, 554
Hawking, Stephen 406
Haydn, Joseph 137, 247
HD (High Definition) 519
health 248-249
see also medicine and healing
heart 250 , 255
heart disease 164, 167, 248
heat 251-252, 342, 406
heat energy 186, 251
heat-resistant materials 237
heat sensors 26
Hebrew language 289, 299
hedgehogs 159, 254
Hegira 361
helicopters 253 , 508
helium 72, 228, 385, 510
helmets 38 , 287, 298, 444, 513, 553
sports 64, 214
Henry II, king of England 378
Henry VIII, king of England 540
heraldry 302-303
herbalism 212, 338
herbivores 175, 330
herb layer 216
herbs 167, 212-213, 412
hereditary diseases 164
heredity 229, 230
hermaphrodites 469
Herod, King 289
herons 308
herring 389
hertz 426 , 473
Hertz, Heinrich 426
Heyerdahl, Thor 387
Hiawatha 579
hibernation 254 , 469
hieroglyphics 20, 179
Higashiyama, Kaii 399
Highlands, Scottish 537, 538
Hillary, Edmund 357
hill forts 286
Himalayas 42, 43, 268, 357, 438
Hindi language 20, 268
Hindu-Arabic numbers 386
Hinduism 43, 231, 255 , 268, 270,
430, 431 , 522
hinny 261
Hippocrates 338
hippopotamuses 334
Hira, Mount 361
Hiroshima, Japan 576
Hispanic Americans 256
Hitler, Adolf 259, 575-576
Hittites 286, 287
HIV 164
Ho Chi Minh 552
hockey 91, 257
Hockney, David 399
Hokusai 399
holidays 258
holistic medicine 337
Holland see Netherlands
Hollywood 359, 544
Holocaust 259 , 576
Holy Roman Empire 112
Homer 321, 578
hominins 424, 506
Homo erectus 424
homosexuals 264
Honduras 108, 336
honey 69
honeycreepers 197
Hong Kong 116
Honshu, Japan 294, 295
Hooke, Robert 73
Hoover Dam 151
hooves 260


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