the first explorers of australia mapped out the coastline but left the interior
largely untouched. in 1606, the Dutch navigator William Jansz briefly visited
northeastern australia. Between 1829 and 1830, the English explorer Charles
Sturt explored the rivers in the south but failed to find the inland sea that
many people assumed existed in the center of australia. Between 1839 and
1840, Edward Eyre, from England, discovered the vast, dry salt lakes in South
australia before walking along its
southern coast. in 1860 and 1861, the
irishman robert o’Hara Burke and
Englishman William Wills became
the first people to cross australia
from south to north. in 1862, John
McDouall Stuart succeeded in
crossing the continent from South
australia and returning alive.
BurkE anD WillS
in 1860 and 1861, Burke and Wills succeeded in crossing
australia from south to north. However, they both died
of starvation on the return journey south.
in 1880, there were only two million
people on the vast australian
continent. a century later, almost
15 million people lived there. Most
had come to australia from Britain,
italy, and greece. in a deliberate
attempt to boost the population
after 1945, the australian
government offered to pay part
of the passage for poor Europeans.
about two million people took
advantage of the program, which
ended in 1965, with one million
coming from Britain alone. asians
and other nonwhite peoples were
denied entry until the 1960s. Many
children traveled on their own.
this group of immigrants (left)
are on their way to a farm school
in Western australia from Waterloo
Station, london, England.
golD ruSH
gold was discovered in
1851 in new South Wales
and Victoria. thousands
of prospectors rushed
from all over the world,
including China, to
make their fortunes
in australia. the
national population
rose from 400,000 in
1850 to 1,100,000 by
- Conditions were
tough for the gold
miners, and in 1854 a
group of miners at Eureka
Stockade in Ballarat, near
Melbourne, refused to pay the
license fee required to mine for
gold. the government sent in
troops; 24 miners and six soldiers
were killed in the battle that followed.
oVErCoMing aBoriginES
During the 19th century, the European
settlers disrupted the aboriginal way of life.
Many aboriginal languages and customs died
out as their land was taken. Children were
taken away from their
parents to be educated
in the European way. as
a result, the aborigine
population fell from
300,000 in 1770 to
about 60,000 by 1900.
uraniuM Mining
australia is rich in minerals, like uranium,
the raw material used to fuel nuclear
power stations and produce nuclear
bombs. although uranium mining
increased dramatically during the
1970s, many australians opposed it
because of the dangers of radiation
from uranium. in addition, many
of the uranium deposits lie within
aboriginal tribal lands. protests have
therefore regularly occurred to prevent
the exploitation of this dangerous mineral.
Map showing the
routes of the different
explorers of Australia.
Burke and Wills
The Aborigines were amazed to see the crowds
of white people landing in their territory.
australia, history of
Find out more
aboriginal australians
Cook, james
nuclear energy
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