Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


The Kingdom of Benin lay in the niger River delta area of what is now
southern nigeria. Benin began as a city-state in the 11th century, and by about
1450 was a wealthy kingdom that continued to flourish for another 300 years.
Two peoples, the Binis and Yoruba, made up the kingdom, which was ruled by
powerful kings called obas. The wealth of the kingdom came from trade,
either across the Sahara with other African peoples or on the coast with the
europeans. The center of the kingdom was Benin City. it contained a huge
royal palace, where the obas lived. The people of Benin were skilled
craftworkers who produced wonderful carvings and brasses. The Portuguese
arrived in the region in the 15th century, and in 1897 the British
conquered the kingdom and made it part of colonial nigeria.

Benin BRonzeS
The kingdom of Benin
was famous for its
“bronzes,” most of
which were actually brass
castings. The “bronzes,”
some of which were
large and striking
heads, represented
obas and other
dignitaries. Craftworkers also
made likenesses of european
traders who came to the
region. other Benin art
included ivory carvings and
plaques. These and other
artifacts were made by guilds
of craftspeople, who lived in
special areas in Benin City,
called wards.

The obas were
immensely wealthy
and controlled trade.
one of the most
important obas was
ewuare the great
(c. 1440-80), who made
Benin City powerful. obas ruled
through ministers, to whom they delegated
some authority. The people of Benin revered
the obas as gods and made sacrifices to them.

Benin CiTY
dutch traveler olfert dapper
described Benin City in
1668 as large and
prosperous and
surrounded by a
high earth wall. it
contained many
fine buildings
including the obas’
palace. There were
also special areas
for craftspeople.

Benin Kingdom

A brass plaque that
decorated the wooden
pillars supporting the
oba’s palace.

TRAde And SlAveRY
for hundreds of years, Benin traded with
African kingdoms to the north. from about
1480, the Portuguese began buying slaves,
cloth, pepper, and ivory from Benin. The
obas stopped trading slaves in
1550, but in the 1600s they
again began selling slaves
to the europeans.

An oba, or great
king, flanked by two
of his courtiers

This wide-bladed sword
was designed for
ornamentation rather
than use in combat.

Africa, history of

Find out more

Benin Kingdom was
situated in West Africa on
the site of present-day
Benin City, which is
named after the kingdom.

Ceremonial Benin anklet

benin kingdom
1000s Benin City is
1450 Benin at its most
1486 first Portuguese
explorer visits Benin.
1500s english, dutch, and
french merchants start
1680s Benin resumes slave
1668 olfert dapper writes
a history of Benin.
1897 British capture Benin
City and burn it.

Sahara Desert


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