Childrens Illustrated Encyclopedia

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


gravitational well
if the gravity of empty space is like a flat plane, then a
black hole’s gravity is like a funnel-shaped well. any
object that strays within the
area of the dent will
probably spiral toward
the middle. eventually,
it swirls down the
“gravitational well,”
into a region from
which even light
cannot escape.

when a giant star explodes and collapses,
it can create an object of incredibly high density.
this object has such massive gravitational pull that
nothing can escape, not even light. it is called
a stellar black hole. things pulled very close to the
black hole become invisible. its presence is betrayed
by spirals of matter swirling into it, rather like water
going down the drain. Black holes may also develop
at the center of galaxies from clouds of gas, rather
than from the remains of giant stars. these are
called supermassive black holes and can have up
to hundreds of thousands of times the mass of
our sun. the gravitational force is so immense that thousands of
stars may be dragged into the vortex. as they
become squeezed together, they form a
whirlpool concentration of gas, dust, and
smashed stars that flares with brilliant light.

Inside a
large star,
nuclear fusion
converts hydrogen
into helium. As it runs low on
hydrogen, the star expands
into a “red giant.”

Black holes

accretion disK
Matter spiraling into
a black hole is known
as an accretion disk.
it may contain stars
and planets as well as
debris and gases. You
can’t see black holes, but
the material falling into
them causes them to give
out enormous amounts
of radiation.

Gas drawn
from nearby
blue supergiant

einstein, albert

Eventually, it
becomes part
of the mass of
the black hole.

The star finally dies
in an explosion that
is called a supernova.

star cYcle
astronomers believe that many
massive stars end as black
holes. as it uses up the last of
its fuel, a large star expands
to become an even bigger
“supergiant” star. eventually, it
explodes as a supernova. the
center then collapses to
become a neutron star, or
a black hole.

supernova reMnant
the cloud of debris and gas created by a
supernova is called a supernova remnant. at the
center sits a black hole or a neutron star. when
the mass of the original star is not enough to create
a black hole, the result may be a neutron star. this
spins rapidly, emitting electromagnetic radiation.

If enough debris falls
back on to the stellar
core it can become a
black hole.

An object
is drawn
by gravity
the black

The accretion disk swirling
into the black hole

Once the object has
plunged into the
vortex, there is
no escape.

alBert einstein
physicist albert einstein
(1879-1955) proposed
a general relativity theory
showing that light is bent
by gravity, so it can be
trapped inside a black hole.

Find out more

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