Byzantine Empire
Byzantine empire
in 565 ce, the Byzantine empire
stretched from Spain in the west
to Syria in the east. By 1350, the
empire had shrunk to a fragment
of its former area.
Marble floors
in 330 ce, the roman emperor conStantine built a new city on
the site of the old Greek town of Byzantium. it was called constantinople
(now istanbul) after him, and it became the capital of the eastern part of
the roman empire. as the western provinces of the empire were overrun
by the Germanic tribespeople, the eastern half remained prosperous, and
constantinople became the main political center of the roman empire.
When the Western empire collapsed in the late 5th century, the eastern
empire (which became known as the Byzantine empire) survived
and even expanded. christianity became the state religion, and
constantinople became a christian center. artists and scholars from all
over europe and the middle east came there to study. Under emperor
Justinian i, the Byzantine empire regained much of the territory of the
old roman empire. trade, art, and architecture thrived. But
the empire suffered many attacks. By 642, muslim arabs
had overrun Byzantine territories in north africa
and the middle east. Gradually, the empire
lost its lands in asia minor (turkey) and
southeast europe. in 1453, the ottomans
captured constantinople,
and the Byzantine
empire ended.
Justinian i
(483-565) built
hagia Sophia (church
of holy Wisdom) in the
center of constantinople. it was
the largest christian church in the
eastern world and was intended to
provide a spiritual center for the Byzantine
empire. after 1453, the church became
a mosque (muslim house of worship).
today the hagia Sophia is a museum.
conStantine the Great
in 314, constantine the Great (288-337)
became roman emperor. at that time
christianity was forbidden, but in about 312
constantine himself was converted, some say
by the sight of a cross in the sky. christianity
became the official religion of the Byzantine
empire, and within a century the traditional
pagan temples were abandoned.
SieGe of
By the year 1453, the
ottoman turks had
overrun the entire
Byzantine empire and
reached the gates of
constantinople. Under
the leadership of Sultan
mehmet, the ottomans
besieged the city and
captured it after two
months. the christian
inhabitants of
constantinople were
allowed to remain in the
city, which became the
capital of the muslim
ottoman empire.
395 roman empire splits
into east and West, with
constantinople as the capital
of the eastern empire.
476 the Western roman
empire collapses.
527-65 During the reign of
Justinian i, the Byzantine
empire reconquers much
of the old roman empire.
635-42 Byzantine empire loses
control of the middle east and
north africa to the arabs.
1071 Byzantine empire loses
asia minor to the turks. calls
in help from europe.
1334 ottoman turks gain a
foothold in europe and begin
to encircle constantinople.
1453 constantinople falls to the
ottoman turks; the Byzantine
empire comes to an end.
ita ly Constantinople
Central dome measures
100 ft (31 m) across.
Find out more
ottoman empire
roman empire
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