The sternocleidomastoid bends
your head forward. If just one
side contracts, it makes the head
turn or tilt.
OYour largest and strongest muscles
are in your back, helping you to stand.
OThe word muscle comes from the
ancient Romans, who thought that
muscle movements looked like
mice running under the skin.
The ancient Roman word for
mouse was musculus.
OSurprisingly, you use more
muscles to smile than you use
to frown! It takes 12 muscles to
smile and 11 to frown.
OThe first drawings of human
muscles were published in 1543
by Belgian scholar Andreas
Vesalius in his book On the
Structure of the Human Body.
OYour tongue is made up of
Tendons These are what
link muscles to bones,
working with muscles to pull
bones into position. They are
like cords and are incredibly
strong. Some tendons in your
hands stretch up to muscles
near the elbow, providing
huge flexibility and control.
Muscles are made up of
bundles of long cells,
organized into tissues called
muscle fibers. Each fiber is
incredibly thin—much
thinner than a human hair.
This is a magnified image of
skeletal muscle fibers.