Coal, oil, and natural gas
are fossil fuels. These vital
resources formed from the
remains of animals and plants
that lived millions of years
ago. Over time, the vast pressure
and temperature under the ground
changed the remains into coal, oil,
and natural gas. Fossil fuels now
provide most of the world’s power. O Oil exploration destroys habitats
in wilderness areas, decimating local
populations of animals and plants.
O Oil spills from tankers
spread over vast distances
in ocean currents. These
environmental disasters
devastate marine wildlife
such as fish and seabirds.
O Burning fossil fuels in car engines
and power plants pumps huge volumes
of carbon dioxide into the air, which is
leading to global warming.
Coal This hard black
solid forms when peat
deposits become buried
underground. Peat is a
rich type of soil formed
from plants and their
decaying remains. Over
millions of years, the
weight of the top
layers of peat pushes
down on the lower
levels. This squeezes
the peat, which first
turns into a mineral called
lignite and eventually into coal.
Oil This thick black liquid forms
from the remains of marine animals
and plants that lived millions of years
ago. The dead bodies were buried
under the seafloor and then slowly
transformed into crude oil, which
became trapped in layers of rock.
STRIKE IT LUCKY An oil worker guides
a giant hydraulic pump into position to extract
the crude oil from an oil well.
Compressed peat
Decaying plants forms lignite
form peat
Seam of coal
Oil rig
Rock layer traps the
Decaying remains decaying remains
of marine life