Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1

haUling commoner named Dalfred Noakes owns and
runs the establishment. Dalfred had a violent encounter
with a young Hunzrin noble. which left him scarred and
without his left ear. He has never forgotten nor forgh·en
the noble. To this day. he uses a small cave system that
doesn't connect with the Dark Dominion to smuggle
goods and hide people fleeing angry drow nobles. If the
characters look like they could use his help. Dalfred
does whatever he can to assist them.
The orphaned daughter of a drow merchant and a
human slave, Shinzi was adopted by Dalfred and is
one of his many spies. She has darkvision out to a
range of 60 feet, as well as the Fey Ancestry and Innate
Spellcasting features of a drow (see the ''Statistical
Modifications to Drow NPCs~ sidebar). However. she
doesn't have the Sunlight Sensitivity feature.


Kyorbblivvin is a spider-haunted forest of giant
mushrooms that spreads across the northern portion
of the Qu'ellarz'orl plateau. Members of the great
houses use Kyorbblivvin as a private hunting domain.
Drow warriors patrol the forest. alert for poachers and
intruders. Check for random encounters in Kyorbblivvin
once every hour. Roll a d20 and consult the Kyorbblivvin
Encounters table to determine what, if anything. the
characters encounter. The party can avoid random
encounters in Kyorbblivvin by succeeding on a DC 15
Dexterity {Stealth) group check.


d20 Encounter
1-10 No encounter
11 1 black pudding
12 3d6 drow spore servants (see appendix C)
13 Elite drow foot patrol
14 Exot•c fung•
15 1 d4 giant spiders
16 1 d 4 gricks
17 Hunting party
18 1 shrieker
19 3d6 stirges
20 1d4 + 1 violet fungi

Thanks to the growing innuence of Juiblex. this ooze
has an Intelligence of 6 (-2). It uses its newfound
intelligence to hide inside a bloated. hollowed-out giant
mushroom. Characters can see viscid black goo oozing
from the mushroom's stalk. Disturbing the mushroom
causes the pudding to burst forth and attack.

These drow fell prey to Zuggtmoy's spores and were
drawn to the fungi fields of Kyorbblivvin. where they
now roam as a pack. attacking intruders on sight.

This patrol consists of 2d4 drow elite warriors. Jf one
or more party members appear to be anything other
than drow belonging to one of the eight ruling houses.

or s laves in the company of such a drow. the patrol
attacks. Each drow carries a horn that it can blow (as
an action) to summon reinforcements. The first wave of
reinforcements arrives in 1d4.,. 4 rounds and consists
of another 2d4 e lite drow warriors. The second wave
arrives after ten minutes and consists of 3d6 elite drow
warriors mounted on giant riding lizards (sec the end
of chapter 8 for statistics).

The characters find a patch of exotic fungi (see "Fungi of
the Undcrdark" in chapter 2). Roll a d6 and consult the
Exotic Fungi table to determine what they find.

d6 Fungi
1d6 nightlights (50 percent chance they are unlit)
2 2d6 Nilhogg's noses
3 1d6 patches of ormu
4 2d6 tim masks
5 1d6 tongues of madness
6 3d6 torchstalks

There is a 50 percent chance that the giant spiders have
a nest nearby (Sf'f' "Duthcloim" earlier in this section).
In addition to the eggs. characters find a 1d4 -1 man-
shaped cocoons containing the exsanguinated corpses
of escaped slaves (of any race).

Drow nobles unleash these creatures in the forest and
hunt them for sport. The gricks fight until slain.

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