Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1


If the tower goes on aJert (a~ indicated in some
of the encounter descriptions). all characters have
disadvantage when making thei r group Dexterity
(Stealth) cht>cks.

d20 Encounter
1-6 1d4 drow mages
7-8 1 giant spider
9-10 1 anvisible quasit
11-12 1 mad drow mage
13-14 1 shadow demon
15-18 1d4 slaves
19-20 1 succubus or incubus

There is a 50 percent chance that these mages have
been forewar ned of the party's arrival, either by Vizeran
OcVir or by Matron Mother Quenthcl Baenre. in which
cas<' t hey let the char acters pass. Otherwise. the drow
mages assume the character~ are intruders and attack
unless Grin Ousstyl is with them. If the characters
declare that they have Qucnthel Bacnre"s permission
to be here. they can convince the mages to stand down
with a successful DC 12 Charisma (Deception or
Per~uasion) check.
If one or more mages fall in battle. the rest use greater
invisibility spells to turn invisible and retreat. putting
the tower on aler t i f it isn't already.

This giant spider crawls along the walls or ceiling. ft
ignores the characters unless they take hostile action
against it. in which case it attacks.

A drow wizard's quasit familiar invisibly haunts the
halls and chambers of the tower. It follows and observes
th<• characters to find out what they're up to. leaving to
alt>rt its master (a d row mage) if they enter Gromph's
sanctum or ar e seen leaving it. I f t he demon escapes.
the tower goes on alen.

fhi<o drow is afflicted with a form of indefinite madness.
Roll on the Indefinite Madness table in chapter 8 of the
Dungeon 1\fasrer's Guide to determine how the madness
'" exprcsc;t'd.

A hound servam of a drow mage. this demon attempts
to h ide from the characters, then follows to learn what
they're up to. It fights the characters only if they attack it.
Accing if reduced to 10 or fewer hit points. If the demon
C!>Capes. the tower goes on alert.

These commoners (your choice of race) are on an
errand for their drow magt> master when they run into
the parry by accident. If the characters state that they
have legitimate business in Sorcere, the slaves answer
questions about the tower if asked. I f the slaves suspect

Cll \PTER 15 (THE C J rv Of SI'IDI'RS

the characters are trespassers. or if they're threatened
or attacked. they Hee and call for help. If any slaves
escape the encounter. the tower goes on alert.

A sometime lover and ally of one of the tower's wizards
this fiend adopts the form of a slave (your choi<:e of race
Curious to see the inside of Gromph's sanctum, the
""slave"" offers to guide the characters there, taking thrm
al ong a r oute that avoids otht'r random encounters. The
fiend tries to steal Gromph's grimoire if the opportunit~
presents itself. first by using its Charm ability to
convince a character to part with the book. and then b~
using Etherealness to disappear with it.

The black marble door to Gromph Baenre's chambers
is etched with si lvery runes around its edge and closed
with an a rctme Jock keyed to him. Picking tht: lock
requires a successful DC 23 Dexterity check using
thieves' tools. while forcing the door open requi res a
successful DC 25 Strength check. I\ knock spell also
opens the door, and Grin Ousstyl can have the spell
prepared if none of the adventurers knows it.

The chamber beyond the door is floored in black marble,
laned with shelves laden with books and scrolls, and
dominated by a broad desk of polished bone. A plush
chair covered wit h lizard hide sits behind the desk, while a
smaller and simpler zurkhwood chair sits facing it on the
opposite side. A seven-foot-tall obsidian statue of a four·
armed. sword-wielding drow warrior stands behind the
desk against one wall. Burmng red candles are set about
the room in holders made from skeletal hands.

Cominual flame spells have been east on the dozen
candles in the room, filling the art'a with bright light. If
anyone other than Gromph enters the chamber w i thout
speaking the word ryrnae ("quench"), a fire elemental
appears and attacks the intruders. Casting dispel magJ•
(DC 15) on the door before it opens disables this trap.
but the elemental can't be dispelled once it appears.
If anyone tampers with the dt>sk or the shelves·
contents. or attempts to remove anything from tht> room.
the four-armed statue animates and attacks. Tt has the
statistics of a stone golem. but replace its ~1ultiauack
and Slam action options with the followin~:
Multiattack. The golem makes four sword attacks.
Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: t 10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target
Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) slashing damage.

Anyone speaking the statue's name (Szashune) aloud
isn't attacked by it.

Any party member with a passivt> Wisdom (Perception
score of 20 or higher notices a st>cret door in the waU.
while a character searching the room for secret doors
must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check
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