Out of the Abyss

(Jeff_L) #1


Once the dark heart talisman is placed and the
characters signal \'i1cran, there's no turning back.

The waiting is the hard part Time seems to drag as you
rematn alert, weapons drawn, every nerve singing with
the tension tn the a1r all around you.
Finally, a swrrling light begins to flare in the darkness.
A barely audible hummrng shakes you to the core, rising
and falling like a vast heartbeat in the depths. The glow
of Jaerzress gathers and brrghtens. creating swirling pools
like holes torn in the air. A roar sounds from far away as
shadows move in the depths of those pools of light. The
demons are coming.

The demon lords described in appendix D of this
adventure all appear in the final battle. with the
following exceptions:

  • If Fraz Urb'luu was not sent back to the Abyss in chap-
    ter 9, his gemstone is hurled into the fray by Vizeran's
    ritual. Unless the characters retrieve it. another
    dt"mon lord steps on the gem. destroys it. and sends
    Fraz-Urb'luu's spirit back to the Abyss.
    Ir Juible~ and Zuggtmoy were sent back to the Abyss
    in earlier parts of the adventure. they are not present.
    Baphomct and Yeenoghu arc absent if the char-
    acters acti\'atcd th<· Ma7<' Engin<' (set" chapter 14)
    and the 81 100 result on th<> Maze Engine Effects
    table carne up.
    Numerous other demons also pour through the
    portals. For a brief moment. all of the demons and
    demon lords are disoriented as they attempt to get their
    bearings after being pulled across the Underdark. Then
    as their gates fall upon each other. th<:y roar, bellow.
    or shriek with a hatred too deep for mortals to truly
    comprehend. and the terrible baule begins.

Rather than focusmg on the adventurers biding their time
and dealing with the fallout of the titanrc battle between
the demon lords, you can shift focus for this part of the
adventure Consider having the players take control of the
various demon lords from appendix D, then play out the
conflict between them.
Assign each player an available demon lord, or allow
players to choose one demon lord to control during the
battle. You manage any of the remarnrng demon lords. If
there aren't enough demon lords for all the players, you
can use balors or other powerful demons to round out
their numbers.
The players control the demons in their battle to the
death, wrth the only restnct1on be1ng that they can't
withdraw from the combat. Brreftactical retreats are
permiSSible, but Vrzeran's ritual has filled the demon lords
with the rage to do battle.
The demonic victor of this battle, its hit points and
other resources sufficiently depleted, is the foe that the
adventurers must overcome in the final confrontation.

CliAPIEII.17( ·\l,\ 1 ~~ 1 111 1' IH~ION lOII.DS

Ideally, the adventurers and their allies remain hidden
from the battling demons. letting them fight it out
among themselves. Still. there are challenges for the
characters to overcome as they wait. Feel free to include
as many of the following as you wish while narrating the
struggle bcrwccn the demon lords and their minions,
keeping in mind that tht> characters will have no time
for even a short rest before taking on the main challenge
of this encounter a fight with the sole remaining
demon lord.

Rampaging lesser demons discover one or more of the
characters wh<'r<' lh<'y wait out the battle, attacking at
once. Roll a d4 to determine the demons involved.

d4 Demon Sortie
4 barlguras
2 4 chasmes
3 2 hezrous
4 3 vrocks

An invisible quasit tries to steal a small. valuable item
from a party member. The target must succeed on a DC
13 Wisdom (Perception) check to notice the theft as it
happens. On a failed check. the quasit makes off with
the item undetected. You can make the search for the
item a loose thread for the conclusion of the adventure.
Alternatively. have the quasit killed during the battle.
with the stolen item turning up in the aftermath.

If any of the player characters' allies are accompanying
them, a demon sortie (sec above) attacks the NPCs. The
characters must decide whether or not to break cover to
aid their allies against the demons. ff they do. another
demon sortie attacks them ld4 rounds later.

The battle between the demon lords s hifts dangt:rousl)
close to the characters. Roll a d6 and consult the Near
Miss table to determine the result.

d6 Event
1-2 Explosion. Each creature within 20 feet of a point you
choose must make a DC 13 Dexterrty saving throw.
On a failure, the creature takes 3d6 fire damage, or
half as much damage on a success.
3-4 Flying Debris. Each creature within 30 feet of a point
you choose must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw
taking 3d6 bludgeoning damage and falling prone
on a failure.
S-6 Close Call. A character you choose must make a
successful DC 13 Dexterity saving throw to dodge a
stray attack. On a failed save, the character takes 3d 6
bludgeomng damage.
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