Acquisitions Incorporated

(Jeff_L) #1


ever asks, "Should it be done?" Instead
th ey ask, "How can it be done- and th en
how do we turn what we've done into cold,
hard cash?" It's this kind of forward think-
ing that brings new power and magical un-
dt>rstanding to the world- and which keeps
the Acq Inc humanoid resources team constantly on the
lookout for new talent.
Were you kicked out of your village for experimenting
with powers no mortal should dare trifle with? Acqui-
sitions Incorporated has a place for you on its team.
Those pesky, gibbering voices that plague your sleep?

Acq Inc allows employees to work all night if that fits

their skill set. And if it was ordained at your birth by
the seers and mystics that your destiny would one clay
see you bathe in the blood of your enemies. Acq Inc
has no opinion on personal hygiene as long as the job
gets done.
The amazing diversity on display across the full
range of Acquisitions Incorporated franchises and
commercial operations epitomizes the all-inclusive
nature of an Acq Jnc campaign. No matter what your
favorite type of character, there's something for you in

this chapter. Or, if you like, you can engage with the

entrepreneurial spirit of the campaign by using this
material to inspire ideas of your own. Do you want
to embrace the feel of Acq Inc right from the get-go?
Consider one of the new back grounds i n this chapter,
all with a special focus on commerce or Acquisitions

Incorporated itself. Worried about whether a specific
class or subclass has what i t takes to make it in a cut-
throat mercantile environment? We've got the advice
and narrative options you need.
This chapter also presents a new race inspired by the
chaotic drive to achieve that underlies every Acq Inc
campaign, as well as a number of spells with a decidedly
financial flair. And finally. you'll get to meet some of the
rival factions your characters will inevitably crash up
against in the frenzied race for franchise success.


Countless people come from loving, nurturing homes.
Through hard work. clean living, and wise decisions,
they excel at what they do. They live prosperous, re-
spectable lives, leaving the world a better place than
they found it.
You're not one of them.
Somewhere along the way, something w ent wrong.
Maybe it was bad luck. Circumstances might have con-
spired to put you in an impossible situation. You could
have Lady Fate's disfavor. Or you might be an incredible
jackass. But whatever your circumstances, you are now
entering a new phase of your life. The earning potential
of an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise has given
many wayward and lost souls a new lease on life. Those
who scoffed at you or kicked you while you were down
might soon be kissing up to you.
And who knows? Being an incredible jackass could
work in your favor!

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