in the galaxy. The Empire relentlessly seeks out rebels
and their sympathizers, pursuing the main rebel leader-
ship across the galaxy. After the destruction of the Death
Star, to be labeled a rebel is to be a hated and hunted
enemy of the Empire.
The Hutts are immense, slug-like creatures who wield
great influence in the galaxy; they have done so since
the ancient days of the Republic. They nominally fall un-
der the control of the Empire, but the Hutts long usurped
Imperial power in Hutt Space through corrupt and mon-
etary means. Many, like the legendary Jabba the Hutt,
are criminal overlords, with the type of power and un-
derworld connections that make them difficult for the
Empire to counter effectively or eliminate completely.
The Hutts' efforts—criminal or otherwise—heavily influ-
ence the economies, governments, and illegal activities
in large areas of the sprawling Outer Rim Territories. It's
hard to operate at the fringes of society without encoun-
tering a Hutt scheme. Worse, failing or crossing a Hutt
tends to be expensive (and occasionally violent). Bounty
hunters make a good living enforcing Hutt revenge.
Black Sun is a secret interstellar crime syndicate, op-
erating at every level of galactic society. Powerful crime
lords called Vigos protect Black Sun's underworld su-
premacy while simultaneously vying for more power and
territory within the organization. Each Vigo organizes,
coordinates, and controls massive illegal operations in
his own region in the galaxy. Secrecy is paramount to
Black Sun's centuries-long operations. Smaller criminal
groups often unknowingly work for the sprawling crime
syndicate. Black Sun is sometimes an ally (but more of-
ten an adversary) of the Imperial government. Smugglers
and black marketeers are duped into carrying out Black
Sun deliveries and operations. Black Sun
reaches from Coruscant, the capital world
of Imperial Center, to the backwater planets
and isolated worlds beyond Known Space.
Beneath the surface of legitimate com-
merce, Imperial bureaucracy, and regiment-
ed Imperial rule lies a teeming underworld of
smugglers, con artists, black marketeers, and
! other criminals. Though officially condemned
L as hives of scum and villainy, the truth is that
much of the galaxy engages with or even relies
upon these grey market economies to survive.
Isolated worlds sometimes have no other option,
further blurring the line between legitimate enter-
prise and illegal trade. As stifling Imperial law and
persecution increase throughout the galaxy, more
people escape to the fringes just to survive or evade
arrest. Shadowports provide trading ports, ship's servic-
es, and other key support for otherwise illegal activities.
Shadowports are usually isolated and secret, but some
foster illegal activities in larger, legitimate spaceports.
Black markets offer virtually any legal or illegal item, so
long as one can afford it. Smugglers sneak contraband
past the ubiquitous Imperial customs inspectors, bringing
banned items into Imperial worlds, or even sneaking fugi-
tives and rebel agents away from the Imperials.
Life at the fringes of society and civilized space is tough.
The edge of society can be found almost anywhere in
the galaxy—from the most isolated backwater Imperial
planet in the Outer Rim to the dank depths of the seedy
lower levels of the Imperial capital city-world. The edge of
society often corresponds to the edge of the Empire it-
self: outliers where people run to escape Imperial agents,
where rebels plot and strike against the Imperial military,
and where the explorers and colonists establish new lives.
Living here is a gamble: a loss of societal law and pro-
tections also brings freedom from Imperial interference
and repression. Naturally, the fringes are home to crimi-
nals, scoundrels, and outlaws. Given that Imperial rules
regularly outlaw dissent and resistance, it isn't hard for
otherwise honest and upstanding citizens to run afoul of
Imperial edicts—and find themselves on the run.
Life at the edge requires hard work and risk-taking just
to survive. People are often caught in events beyond their
control—Imperial security sweeps, mistaken identities,
con games, fraud, accusations of rebel sympathy, theft,
and more. The adventurous can turn their misfortunes
into new opportunities for freedom, credits, and even
starships. They learn the ways of the edge, and thrive de-
spite its challenges. Some even manipulate the situation
to their own advantage while maintaining their own moral
code. Life is a dangerous adventure.
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