Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1


    Hobgoblins. Unless they have been drawn elsewhere,
    four hobgoblins guard this room. They gang up on
    foes, trying to take them down quickly.
    Debris. Smashed wooden crates and furnishings piled
    along the walls are shrouded in dust and cobwebs.
    Secret Door. A secret door in the south wall opens into
    area 17. (The hobgoblins are unaware of the door.)

    Hanging from the handles of the doors to these rooms
    are wooden signs that read "KEEP OUT!" in Common.

Stove. An iron stove stands against the south wall.
Coffers. Rows of dusty niches line the walls. Roughly
half of the niches contain small wooden coffers.
The stove was given a semblance of life through an
animate objects spell made permanent by a wish spell.
It tears free of its stovepipe and charges forward on
clawed feet to attack intruders.
The stove is a Large construct with a challenge rat-
ing of 3 (700 XP). It has AC 17,^50 hit points, a walk-
ing speed of 30 feet, and the following ability scores:
Strength 14, Dexterity 10, Constitution 10 , Intelligence
3, Wisdom 3, and Charisma 1. It has blindsight out to a
range of^30 feet and is blind beyond this distance. It has
the following action options:
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach^5 ft., one target.
Hit: 11 (2d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Belch Fire (Recharge 4-6). The stove belches fire in a 15-foot
cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC^10 Dexterity
saving throw, taking^22 (4d10) fire damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one.

Treasure. There are twenty-four wooden coffers in all,
each one labeled in Common with the name of a spell
and containing all the material components for one or
more castings of that spell. The following table summa-
rizes the coffers' contents:
Coffe.r Contents
1 Three vials of human blood, three strips of flesh,
and a pouch of bone dust (animate dead)
2 Iron filings (antim~gic field)
3 Three patches of bat fur (arcane eye)
4 A cockatrice eggshell and a snakeskin glove (Bigby's





A tuft of quaggoth fur, a piece of amber, and three
silver pins (chain lightning)
A pouch containing the powder of a crushed black
pearl worth 500 gp (circle of death)
A pouch of soot and a pouch of salt (comprehend
Three shards of pale white crystal (cone of cold)
A small clay pot filled with grave dirt, a small clay
pot filled with brackish water, and a black onyx stone
worth 150 gp (create undead)
Three lodestones and a pouch of dust (disintegrate)


Coffer Contents
11 A pouch of sand, a jar of ink, and a writing quill
12 Eight squid tentacles (Evard's black tentacles)
13 Ten feathers (feather fall or fly)
14 Nine tiny balls of bat guano and sulfur (fireball)
15 A block of incense worth^250 gp and four ivory
strips worth 50 gp each (legend lore)
16 A black crystal dodecahedron worth^500 gp (magic
17 Three adder stomachs and a pouch containing
powdered rhubarb leaves (Melfs acid arrow)
18 A vial holding ten pinches of diamond dust worth^25
gp per pinch (nondetection)
19 A spool of copper wire (sending)
20 A pouch of fine sand (sleep)
21 Eight tiny jars of ointment for the eyes wort h^25 gp
each, made from mushroom powder, saffron, and
fat (true seeing)
22 A ball of string with toothpicks stuck in it (unseen
23 Two pieces of phosphorus (wall of fire)
24 Ten small pieces of straw (water breathing)

Scattered about this room are inanimate objects that
Arcturia animates using the animate objects spell:

  • A brass brazier set atop a 3-foot-high tripod and a
    wooden broom (Small objects)

  • A wooden coat rack; an iron torture chair festooned
    with spikes; a 10-foot-long, 250-pound chain; and a fat
    iron cauldron (Medium objects)

  • A stone mine cart and a life-size, hollow bronze statue
    of a bull (Large objects)

    Two hobgoblins are stationed outside this room, one
    in front of each door. Their orders are to guard the food
    supplies. A battle here alerts the hobgoblins in area 32,
    who arrive quickly to aid their allies.
    The room is packed with crates of rations and barrels
    of fresh water, with narrow aisles meandering between
    the containers. The giants and the hobgoblins rely on
    this supply, and there's enough food and water to last
    for weeks.

    Timekeeper. Four pillars support the 20-foot-high
    ceiling. An iron ring^20 feet in diameter is suspended
    from iron brackets affixed to the tops of the pillars so
    that it hangs parallel to the floor^20 feet below. Nested
    inside this ring is a circular iron disk of slightly
    smaller diameter with a symbol of the sun embossed
    on one side and a symbol of the moon on the opposite
    side. Directly above the ring and the disk is a 10-foot-
    deep, dome-shaped concavity in the ceiling.
    Statues. Nestled in alcoves are two life-size stat-
    ues of robed human wizards, their faces obscured

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