Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1
appears for 1 minute, allowing creatures to cross the
pit in the meantime without the rune imprinting on
any of them.

Zorak Lightdrinker is a s hield dwarf vampire, with
a challenge rating of 14 (11,500 XP) and these addi-
tional changes:

  • Zorak has these racial traits: He speaks Common and
    Dwarvish. He has resistance to poison damage and
    advantage on saving throws against poison.

  • He wears plate armor (AC 18), wields a dwarven
    thrower, and gains the action options described below.
    Multiattack. Zorak makes two attacks with his dwarven
    thrower, only one of which can be a ranged attack.

Dwarven Thrower. Me/ee or Ranged Weapon Attack: + 12 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (ld8 + 7) blud-
geoning damage, or 12 (ldlO + 7) bludgeoning damage when
used with two hands to make a melee attack. On a ranged
attack that hits, the hammer deals an extra ld8 bludgeoning
damage (2d8 if the target is a giant). Hit or Miss: If thrown, the
weapon flies back to Zorak's hand after the attack.

    A 12-foot-tall stone statue with continual flame spells
    cast on its eyes stands facing the exit in the middle
    of this 20-foot-high, domed chamber. The s tatue rep-
    resents TharmekhUI, the dwarven god of fire and molte n
    rock. It holds an obsidian greataxe above its head. A
    steel plaque at the base of the statue reads in Dwarvish,
    "Fire is the cure."
    The statue can't be budged or damaged. A detect
    m agic spell reveals powerful auras of abjuration and
    transmutation magic surrounding both the statue and
    the axe, which can't be separated from one another.

This trap fills the 10-foot square directly in front of the
statue. A creature teleported by this trap arrives at a
location determined by rolling a d20 and consulting the
following table:
d20 Teleport Destination
1 -3 The teleport trap in area Sb
4- 6 The teleport trap in area 11
7-20 The teleport trap in area 40 c

Additional Effect: Shearing Flame. When a creature
is teleported to this location from another teleport trap,
a disembodied voice shouts, "Teleported!" at the same
moment the statue of TharmekhOI animates and takes a
swing at the creature. Flames spread across its obsidian
axe as it slashes. The axe is considered a magic weapon
in the statue's grasp. The target must s ucceed on a DC
15 Dexterity saving throw or take 16 (2dl2 + 5) slashing
damage plus 11 (2dl0) fire damage. After swinging the
axe once, the statue reverts to its inanimate state until
the trap is triggered again.


A unusual pit and an unusual painting await adventur-
ers in these tunnels.

This hidden pit (see "Covered Pits," page 194) is 50
feet deep, but the floor of the pit is lined with a 10-foot-
square patch of brown mold. A creature that falls the
distance takes 17 (5d6) bludgeoning damage plus dam-
age from the brown mold (see "Dungeon Hazards" in
chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master's Guide).

Affixed to the back wall of the western alcove is a stone-
framed painting of a scarred male dwarf wearing black
plate armor. He is bound by heavy iron chains and
shackles anchored to the floor of a dreary dungeon cell.
The painting is 3Y2 feet wide by 7 feet tall.
Thanks to a permanent Nystul's magic aura spell cast
on the painting, a detect magic spell does not reveal that
the painting is magical. It is a magical prison that can
hold one humanoid creature at a time. The first human-
oid creature that approaches within 5 feet of the paint-
ing must succeed on a DC 22 Charisma saving throw
or be magically pulled into it, switching places with the
dwarf currently trapped inside (see below). A humanoid
drawn into the painting finds itself chained in an extra-
dimensional cell 10 feet on a side. While trapped in the
cell, the creature is paralyzed. The painting has AC 11, 4
hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage.
Destroying it frees the trapped creature, which appears
in the closest unoccupied space adjacent to the painting.
Thwad Underbrew. The dwarf in the painting is a
beard-stroking villain named Thwad Underbrew, a for-
mer champion of Gorm Gulthyn (the dwarven god of vig-
ilance) who long ago set out to rid Undermountain of the
evil that is Halaster Blackcloak. Ha laster defeated Un-
derbrew but offered to spare the dwarf's life if he vowed
to serve the Mad Mage as an enforcer, ridding the dun-
geon of other invaders. Unwilling to face his own mortal
end, Underbrew made this vow and convinced himself
over time that the executions he performed were acts of
mercy, because those he killed would never be forced to
turn against their beliefs as he had. In time, these acts
stopped weighing on Underbrew's conscience. In fact,
the dwarf began to enjoy his grisly work.
Thwad Underbrew is a shield dwarf champion (see
appendix A), with these changes:

  • Underbrew is neutral evil.

  • Instead of a greatsword, he wields a maul (which deals
    bludgeoning damage instead of s lashing damage).

  • He has these racial traits: He speaks Common and
    Dwarvish. He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet,
    resistance to poison damage, and advantage on saving
    throws against poison.

The challenges that await adventurers in these areas
can be directly attributed to the Mad Mage.
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