Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1


Crystal golems found throughout the Crystal Labyrinth
look like 10-foot-tall githyanki warriors. They understand
Gith but can't speak, and they attack any creatures that
don't look like githyanki or red dragons. Each crystal golem
is a stone golem with these additional traits:
Illumination. The golem magically sheds bright light in a
30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. This
light goes out when the golem is destroyed.
Light Intensity. Any creature that starts its turn within 10
feet of the illuminated golem and can see the golem must
succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be blinded
until the start of the creature's next turn.
A creature can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throw at
the start of its turn. If the creature does so, it can't see the
golem until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its
eyes again. If the creature looks at the golem in the mean-
time, it must immediately make the save.

promise of this reward to trick her troops into running
themselves ragged. Al'chaia's second in command, Ur-
ion, is tired of the abuse and plots against her.

Ashtyrranthor, an adult red dragon, is mother to six
young red dragons that Uve in the Crystal Labyrinth
and defend Creche K'Jiir. Ashtyrranthor's children are
named Ashranthax, Blazutranc, Infernexus, Meteoran-
zym, Smoakcant, and Zolcharrx.

Ashtyrranthor can't treat Stardock as her lair, so she
has n@ lair actions here. However, she has the following
Innate Spellcasting trait:
Innate Spellcasting. Ashtyrranthor's innate spellcasting ability
is Charisma. She can innately cast the following spells, requir-
ing no material components:

1/day each: alarm, detect magic, gaseous form, misty step, pass-
wa/I, see invisibility
Ashtyrranthor spends most of her time on the outer
surface of the asteroid, prowling through the wreckage
of spacefaring vessels that crashed into Stardock long
ago. If combat breaks out inside Creche K'liir, there is a
10 percent chance that she hears the disturbance. She
investigates immediately, joining the battle in progress
and using her gaseous form, misty step, and passwall
spells to enter hard-to-reach locations. Ashtyrranthor
also keeps a specific watch over areas 12f, 13 , and 16a
from outside the asteroid. If she sees trouble or intrud-
ers in those areas, she attacks at once.

Crystal Dungeon

All area descriptions for this location are keyed to map
16. As one descends from level 15 or climbs up from
level 17 , the rough stone walls, floor, and ceiling give
way to ever-widening veins of luminous crystal until ev-
ery surface is made of the substance. In many areas, the
githyanki have torn down the crystalline walls to create
larger spaces.
Unless otherwise noted, the crystal dungeon has the
following unique features:


  • The dungeon is brightly lit throughout. The crystal
    walls, ceilings, and floor emit magical light that
    changes color every 10 minutes, shifting through all
    the hues of the rainbow.

  • Doors are carved from single slabs of opaque white
    crystal similar in weight and consistency to stone.


A crystal golem (see the "Crystal Golems" sidebar)
stands guard here. It attacks any creature not escorted
by a githyanki or a red dragon. If combat erupts here,
the githyanki warriors from area 2a investigate.

    The githyanki knocked down several walls to create this
    chamber, and much of the debris has yet to be cleared.

Crystal Stalactite. A 10-foot-long crystal stalactite
hangs above a pit filled with silvery mist. Encased in
the stalactite is Ilmei, a female githyanki gish (see
appendix A for statistics; see also "Crystal Stalac-
tites,'' page 212).
Guards. Around the pit, four githyanki warriors (two
males and two females) spar with each other to
pass the time.

Fresh out of Creche K'liir, the young githyanki war-
riors are hostile toward intruders. If two of them fall, the
remaining ones retreat to area 3b or dive into the pit.
Creatures that fall into the pit are immediately trans-
ported to the Astral Plane (see chapter 2 of the Dungeon
Master's Guide for more information).

The walls of this chamber are engraved with images of
armored githyanki knights riding red dragons.

Twelve severed mind fl.ayer heads are mounted on the
east and west walls of this partially destroyed area. A
detect magic spell reveals an aura of necromancy magic
around each head, which is a Tiny object with AC 5, 3
hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage.
Reducing a head to 0 hit points destroys it. Whenever a
head is destroyed, any remaining mind fl.ayer heads in
the area that haven't been destroyed emit a telepathic
scream. Each creature in the room takes ld6 psychic
damage for each screaming head (maximum 12d6).

    Githyanki twins named Arbez and Surlock are con-
    tained within crystal stalactites in this cavern.

The creatures in area 3b investigate any disturbance in
this portion of the cavern, which contains the following:
Crystal Stalactite. A 10-foot-long crystal stalactite
hangs above a pit filled with silvery mist. Encased
in the stalactite is Arbez, a male githyanki gish (see
appendix A for statistics; see also "Crystal Stalac-
tites," page 212).
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