Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1

The githyanki fight intruders until six or more of them
fall. The remaining warriors then retreat to area 27. The
githyanki knight and the red dragon in area 21a investi-
gate any combat or other disturbance in this a rea.
Treasure. There are five Dragonchess sets here. Each
set has transparent crystal pieces and is worth^250 gp.

  1. AL'CHAIA's Qu_ A_RTER s ___

Al'chaia commands the githyanki forces in the Crystal
Labyrinth and Creche K'liir. This room serves as her
quarters. The chamber's contents are as follows:

Al'ch aia. Al'chaia, a githyanki knigh t with 140 hit
points, stands at a 5-foot-diameter round table in the
center of the room, poring over reports written in Gith
that document recent clashes with the mind fl.ayers
on level 17.
Dragon. Zolcharrx, a female young red dragon,
is curled up in a corner of the room, watching
Al'chaia wearily.
Furnishings. A huge, well-carved canopy bed standing
against one wall has a small, s hiny, black metal chest
next to it (see "Treasure" below). Mounted on other
walls are thirteen stuffed mind fl.ayer heads.
Secret Tr apdoor. A secret trapdoor in the floor under
the table opens into the ceiling of area 2lb. The trap-
door is a 3-foot-square stone slab that requires a suc-
cessful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check to lift.
The characters can avoid a fight here i f they quickly in-
form Al'chaia, in Draconic or Gith, that Urion (see area
10) wants her dead. Al'chaia thanks them for the infor-
mation. She then promises the characters safe passage
back to and through the Crystal Labyrinth, provided
they leave Creche K'liir as soon as they complete "one
small task" for her.
If the characters are reluctant to accept her terms,
Al'chaia offers them a manual of gainful exercise or a
tome of clear thought if they can get more information
out of her githzerai prisoner, Ezria. Specifically, she
wants to know why he's in Undermountain and how
many other githzerai a re with him. A successful DC 19
Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that Al'chaia has no in-
tention of upholding her end of any deal.
If the characters agree to question Ezria, Al'chaia and
Zolcharrx escort them to the prison (area 29b) to meet
the prisoner. If the characters obtain the information
Al'chaia requested, she and Zolcharrx usher characters
from the prison to a rea 20, where Al'chaia pretends the
books are located. She then shouts for Ashtyrranthor
before she and Zolcharrx attack. Ashtyrranthor joins the
fight ld4 + 1 rounds later.
Al'chaia fights until reduced to 90 hit points or fewer,
then flees. Zolcharrx, ever loyal, fights to the death to
cover Al'chaia's escape.
Characters who understand the Gith language can
translate the battle reports in Al'chaia's custody with
a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
Doing so reveals how many githyanki are currently
stationed on level 17 of Undermountain, as well as the
names of the githya nki leaders on that level.


Al'chaia's plate armor is set with eight black jaspers (50
gp each), eight red tourmalines (100 gp each), and four
topazes (500 gp each).
The chest is locked. Al'chaia hides the key to the chest
in the sphincter-like maw of the stuffed mind flayer head
closest to the chest. A successful DC^25 Dexterity check
using thieves' tools picks the lock, and a successful DC
30 Strength (Athletics) check forces the chest open. A
knock spell or similar magic also opens it. The chest is
a Small object with AC 19, 22 hit points, and immunity
to poison and psychic damage. It contains^900 gp, a
manual of gainful exercise, a tome of clear thought, and
a Stardock rod (see "Stardock Rods," page 214).


    This unoccupied room has four 2-foot-long, 6-inch-
    wide window slits that reveal starry space beyond. The
    githyanki observe incoming vessels from here.
    A secret trapdoor in the floor opens into the ceiling of
    area 24. From here, it's a 30-foot drop to the floor of that
    chamber. The trapdoor is a 3-foot-square stone slab that
    can be lifted with a singular or combined Strength of 15
    or higher.

  2. KNIGHTS' Qu.._A_RTER S ___
    This area extends under area 23, as indicated on map
    16. This chamber contains the following:
    Knights. Two male githyanki knigh ts named Kr'rison
    and Vlaadric are engaged in an argument that's on the
    verge of coming to blows.
    Beds. Four stone-framed beds line the south wall.
    Secret Trapdoor. A secret trapdoor in the 30-foot-high
    ceiling leads to area 23. The trapdoor is a 3-foot-
    square stone slab that requires a successful DC 13
    Strength (Athletics) check to lift.
    If the characters get close to this area without alerting
    the githyanki, they hear the two arguing in Gith about
    which one of them deserves "Al'chaia's magic books." If
    attacked, Kr'rison and Vlaadric fight together until one
    falls. The other then retreats to area 27.

Kr'rison's plate armor is set with six red-brown carne-
lians (50 gp each) and four ambers (100 gp each). Vlaad-
ric's plate armor is set with eight chalcedonies (50 gp
each) and two aquamarines (500 gp each).

    The names of githyanki who died hunting illithids on To-
    ri! are carved in neat rows on the walls of this chamber.
    The longest wall is dominated by a relief carving of a
    githyanki soldier battling three mind fl.ayers.

The characters hear a lot of clatter as they approach
th is area, which extends under area 15a (as indicated on
map 16). The kitchen contains the following:
Cooks. Four githyanki warriors (two females and two
males) prepare a large meal, moving between a pair
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