Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1
enemies are eradicated, Extremiton will undergo a
transformation ritual to become an elder brain.

  • Githyanki want to destroy the illithid colony and
    any flumphs they encounter. The mind flayers have
    spawned a neothelid-a worm-like behemoth-to de-
    fend their colony and destroy their githyanki enemies.
    Right now, the neothelid is trapped behind several
    wall of force spells (in area 8).

  • The mind flayers have captured many humanoids
    from Waterdeep and Undermountain, most of whom
    are kept as "cattle." The rest are turned into mindless
    thralls in service to Extremiton.
    The flumphs don't need to enter the mind flayer colony
    to feed on the illithids' immense psionic energy. This
    cave is close enough to the colony that the flumphs can
    nourish themselves from a safe distance.
    The ftumphs are aware of the secret door but reluctant
    to speak of it, since they have come to rely on the illithid
    colony for sustenance. The flumphs would rather feed
    on the psionic energy of the mind flayers, who couldn't
    care less, than the energy of the githyanki, who abhor
    the flumphs and attack them on sight.

    Seepage. Water seeps into this 30-foot-high cave
    through minuscule cracks in the ceiling, flowing in
    rivulets down the walls and disappearing through nat-
    ural drains in the floor.
    Corpses. Lying in alcoves to the east are the corpses of
    ten githyanki who perished fighting the mind flayers
    and their thralls.

This area has become the main battleground in the
conflict between the githyanki and the mind flayers. The
ceilings throughout are 20 feet high.

Corpses. The uneven floor is strewn with the corpses
of githyanki, troglodytes, duergar, ogres, and
orogs, as well as eight decapitated mind flayers and
two flumphs.
Githyanki. Four githyanki warriors with nondetection
spells cast on them lurk behind rock formations in the
middle of the cavern.
The githyanki report to the knights in area 7c. Three
fight to the death to defend the cavern, while the fourth
retreats to area 7a to alert their allies.

Double Door. Embedded in the east wall is a stone dou-
ble door sealed with Qualith door locks (see "Qualith
Door Locks," page 222). Unless it is held open, the
door automatically closes and locks.
Heads on Pikes. Seven decapitated mind flayer heads
with limp tentacles are mounted on pikes in the mid-
dle of the cavern, facing the double door. (They were
left here by the githyanki.)


A ftumph lurks in the shadows of this alcove, surrep-
titiously feeding on the psionic energy of the githyanki
warriors in area 6a. A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Per-
ception) check is required to detect the creature. The
flumph has the same helpful disposition and information
as the rest of its kin on this level (see area 4).

    Two githyanki knights and eight githyanki warriors are
    stationed here. These githyanki are alert and won't give
    up their stronghold without a fight. Yaveklar, the knight
    in command, carries a potion of supreme healing, which
    she uses if she becomes grievously wounded.

Light. Torches burn in iron brackets mounted to four
pillars that support the 20-foot-high ceiling.
Githyanki. Four githyanki warriors stand guard next
to the pillars.
Arch. Embedded in the east wall is a stone arch, its key-
stone carved with an image of a six-fingered gauntlet.
The githyanki warriors follow orders without question
and have no authority to negotiate; that task falls to the
knights in area 7c. A fight here brings reinforcements
from areas 7b and 7c.
Arch Gate. The arch is one of Halaster's magic gates
(see "Gates," page 12). lts rules are as follows:

  • The gate opens for 1 minute if a creature touches the
    arch with a six-fingered gauntlet. (Such an item can be
    found on level 15.)

  • Characters must be 13th level or higher to pass
    through this gate (see "jhesiyra Kestellharp," page
    10). The first creature to pass through the gate trig-
    gers an elder rune (see "Elder Runes," page 12).

  • A creature that passes through the gate appears in
    area 24c on level 15, in the closest unoccupied space
    next to the identical gate located there.

Light. Resting on the floor are two glass lanterns with
continual flame spells cast on them.
Wounded Githyanki. Four githyanki warriors are re-
covering from wounds inflicted on them by the mind
flayers' thralls. Each has 30 hit points remaining.
Fountain. Embedded in the north wall is a stone foun-
tain with a semicircular basin. The fountain is carved
in the likeness of a winged fish with water spouting
from its mouth.
The githyanki obey the knights in area 7c and won't
accept healing from strangers without their superi-
ors' consent.
The water spouting from the stone fish falls into the
semicircular basin beneath it and drains out through
small holes inside. The water is cool and clean, and
serves the githyanki as a source of fresh water.

Light. Resting on the floor is a glass lantern with a con-
tinual flame spell cast on it.
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