Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1
Intelligence (Arcana) check confirms that a disintegrate
spell made the square hole, but there's no way to know
who cast the spell or why the ship was sunk.
If more than one character enters the aft section at
the same time, the partial hull shifts under the added
weight, topples to one side, and collapses in on itself
with a thunderous racket. Any creature inside the aft
section when it collapses must make a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 22 (4dl0) bludgeoning damage
from falling debris on a failed save, or half as much dam-
age on a s uccessful one. T he watery curtains in area lb
prevent the sound of the collapse from reaching area le.

This passage has a 20-foot-high, arched ceiling and
contains three 1 -foot-thick, magic curtains of translu-
cent, s himmering green seawater. Each watery curtain
stretches from floor to ceiling and wall to wall. Sound
passing through a curtain is greatly reduced; only
creatures within 5 feet of it can hear anything from the
other s ide.
Any object thrown or shot through a watery curtain
has a cost of 60 feet immediately applied to its dis-
tance traveled. If this added distance changes a ranged
weapon attack from normal to long range, the attack
roll is made with disadvantage. An object that enters the
curtain and can travel no farther falls to the floor inside
the curtain.
S pell effects that would not reasonably pass through
the watery curtain are stopped by the barrier as though
it were a solid wall. For example, a magic missile spell
could pass through the curtain to hit creatures on the
far side of it, but the explosion from a fireball spell
would not get through the barrier.
A creature that passes through a watery curtain gets
drenched but suffers no other ill effects. In addition, lit
torches and other open flames of a nonmagical nature
are doused as they pass through the water. Any creature
that takes damage from water, such as a fire elemental,
takes 11 (2d10) cold damage when it starts its turn in a
watery curtain or enters it for the first time on a turn.
If a watery curtain takes 50 cold damage or more
from a single source, it becomes a 1-foot-thick wall of
ice (as if created by a wall of ice spell) for 10 minutes
before reverting to its original form. A watery curtain
targeted by a successful dispel magic spell (DC 17 ) is
destroyed for good.


Mus ic. Magical harp music fills this 30-foot-high cavern.
Pool. A 15-foot-deep freshwater pool is home to a marid
and six swarms of quippers.
Wa lts. The damp walls have harmless snails and giant
starfish clinging to them.
The marid, Ichthyglug, is swimming in his pool when
the characters first arrive. He greets them with a song
(see the "lchthyglug's Song" sidebar). As he sings, Ich-
thyglug uses his magic to cause fountains of water to
erupt from the pool as quippers leap out of the water
around him. lchthyglug is neither good nor evil, but al-
ways unpredictable. His attitude toward the characters
reflects thei r attitude toward him.


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After concluding his song, Ichthyglug floats up to
characters who seem receptive and gives them the op-
portunity to flatter his singing. After these pleasantries,
he offers the characters a quest: destroy the lich Ezzat
on level 20 and give the lich's phylactery to Ichthyglug.
The marid promises fabulous treasure in exchange,
even going so far as to mention that he is forced by
Halaster's magic to make good on this promise (see
"Treasure" below).
If the characters complete Ichthyglug's quest and give
Ezzat's phylactery to the marid, the pool in this cavern
turns into a vortex that draws Ichthyglug, the water, the
quippers, and the lich's phylactery back to the Elemental
Plane of Water. The characters find lchthyglug's prom-
ised reward at the bottom of the drained pool. Char-
acters who complete lchthyglug's quest should receive
XP as if they had defeated the marid and the swarms of
quippers in combat.
If the characters destroy Ezzat but give the lich's phy-
lactery tojaruk the dao in a rea llb, lchthyglug knows
this. Furious, he attacks the characters the next time he
sees them.
Ichthyglug can't leave his cave without Ezzat's phylac-
tery. If the marid dies here, his body disintegrates into a
burst of water and foam, only to re-form 24 hours later.
(The characters don't receive XP for killing Ichthyglug
more than once.)
The marid commands the quippers to attack anyone
who dares to enter his pool. The swarms pose no dan-
ger to creatures on land.
Treasure. Ichthyglug wears a pair of golden bracers
s haped like octopi (250 gp each) and a large silk vest
studded with ten blue spinets (500 gp each). These bau-
bles vanish with the marid when he returns to the Ele-
mental Plane of Water.
Ichthyglug's reward consists of a suit of mariner's
armor (scale mail) and two common wondrous items: a
candle of the deep and a pole of angling (both described
below). These items appear only after the characters
complete lchthyglug's quest and help the marid escape
from Undermountain.
The flame of the candle of the deep is not extinguished
when immersed in water. It gives off light and heat like a
normal candle.

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Welcome to my grotto!
Call me king of the cray.
lchthyglug's my name-
I'm the catch of the day.
The ocean's my oyster.
The waves are mine to ru le.
lchthyglug's my name-
Baddest fish in the school.
I'm current. I'm the tide.
I'll rain on your parade.
Jchthyglug's my name-
I'm the siren's serenade.
I'll drown you in riches.
I might go overboard.
lchthyglug's my name-
But please call me " my lord."

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