Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1
targets before attacking with their pseudopods. The
puddings cast Me/f's acid arrow spells at prey beyond
their reach.

At the north end of this 20-foot-high cave are two
15-foot-tall standing stones hewn from black basalt.
Carved into the lintel spanning them is a large, blood-
red X. The standing stones form one of Halaster's magic
gates (see "Gates," page 12).
When a creature comes within 5 feet of the gate, riv-
ulets of blood begin to seep from the rocky pores of the
standing stones. The rules of this gate are as follows:

  • The gate opens for 1 minute if a creature marked with
    a bloody X stands within 5 feet of it.

  • Characters must be 12th level or higher to pass
    through this gate (see "Jhesiyra Kestellharp," page
    10). The first creature to pass through the gate trig-
    gers an elder rune (see "Elder Runes," page 12).

  • A creature that passes through the gate appears in
    area 8b on level 12, in the closest unoccupied space
    next to the identical gate located there.

    Stalactites. A few stalactites cling to this cavern's 30-
    foot high, domed ceiling.
    Vessel. An enormous vessel is clearly visible through
    openings in the northwest wall (see area 13).

    Rubble. The floor of this 20-foot-high cave is strewn
    with stony rubble that acts as difficult terrain.
    Fake Beholder. A gas spore, easily mistaken for a be-
    holder, floats near a pair of 15 -foot-tall menhirs made
    of semitransparent crystal. Imprisoned inside each
    menhir is a sleeping nalfeshnee, its leathery wings
    wrapped tightly around its head and body.
    The gas spore drifted into this cave from area 8. Its
    spores contain memory fragments of the dead beholder
    that birthed it. A creature that inhales the spores in-
    herits a random memory, determined by rolling on the
    Beholder Memories table. These memories are experi-
    enced from the eye tyrant's point of view.

dlOO Memory
01-20 The beholder chases a deep gnome through a fun-
gal forest in a vast Underdark cavern illuminated by
glowing mushrooms and phosphorescent fungi.
21-40 The beholder encounters another of its kind in the
Underdark and, after a fierce volley of eye rays, it
turns its rival to dust with a Disintegration Ray.
41-60 The beholder examines a tower-sized stalagmite
with a large crystal atop it (see level 20, area 1 4).
61-80 The beholder is swallowed by a purple worm and
uses its Charm Ray to make the worm release it.
81 -00 The beholder falls into a sinkhole as it succumbs to
Halaster'sfingerof death spell (see area 8).


The sleeping demons can't be targeted by spells or at-
tacks while trapped inside the crystal menhirs. They
remain asleep until awakened (see "Standing Gate" be-
low). An awakened nalfeshnee teleports out of its men-
hir and attacks, then returns to slumber in its menhir
when there are no more enemies in sight.

The crystal menhirs are indestructible and form one of
Halaster's magic gates (see "Gates," page 12). Strik-
ing either menhir with a hard object or targeting it with
a shatter spell deals no damage but causes the standing
stone to ring loudly, awakening the demon inside. Noth-
ing else causes these demons to awaken. While outside
its menhir, a nalfeshnee can be magically compelled
to divulge the command word that activates the gate.
A legend lore spell or similar magic also reveals the
command word. The current word is "Kelserath," but
Halaster changes it every few days.
The rules of this gate are as follows:

  • The gate opens for 1 minute if a creature speaks the
    proper command word within 10 feet of it.

  • Characters must be 16th level or higher to pass
    through this gate (see "Jhesiyra Kestellharp," page
    10). The first creature to pass through the gate trig-
    gers an elder rune (see "Elder Runes," page 12).

  • A creature that passes through the gate appears in
    area 23b on level 21 , in the closest unoccupied space
    next to the identical gate located there.

    Ceiling. This cavern has a 30-foot-high ceiling.
    Gas Spores. Three gas spores float above a large sink-
    hole surrounded by rubble. Another ten gas spores
    float inside the sinkhole, which plunges 100 feet into
    darkness. (At the bottom of the sinkhole lies a molder-
    ing beholder corpse.)
    Elevated Tunnel. A 10-foot-diameter tunnel in the west
    wall can be reached by climbing a 10-foot-high ledge.
    (This ledge is further described in area 9.)
    Halaster killed a beholder that sought to carve out a
    domain on this level. From its moldering corpse grew
    a host of gas spores. Inspection of the remains accom-
    panied by a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Medicine)
    check reveals that the beholder died from fire, force, and
    necrotic damage. Inspection also reveals a treasure (see
    "Treasure" below).
    The gas spores carry the memories of the beholder
    that birthed them. A creature that inhales the spores
    inherits a random beholder memory, determined by roll-
    ing on the Beholder Memories table. These memories
    are experienced from the eye tyrant's point of view.
    The walls of the sinkhole have abundant handholds
    and can be scaled with a successful DC 10 Strength
    (Athletics) check.

The dead beholder has a gold tongue stud set with a
peridot (750 gp).
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