Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1

The floors and walls are covered with interlocking,
blood-streaked stone tiles. The ceiling is 10 feet high


Smoke and Heat. Smoke fills this room, making the
area lightly obscured. The temperature inside the
room is a searing 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
Forge. Roaring flames fill a stone forge that protrudes
from the north wall.
Smiths. Two sweaty, unarmored duergar are working
the forge, smelting iron. Both wear tinted goggles and
thick gloves.
Buckets. Piled around the forge are buckets of iron ore.

The duergar are a male named Brok and a female
named Fumira. Brok uses long-handled iron tongs
to place chunks of iron ore in the forge. Once the
iron melts, Fumira scoops out the molten iron with a
long-handled ladle and pours it into two iron molds,
which Brok clamps shut. They then take the clamped
molds to area 16c to cool. Afterward, they return to the
forge with two empty molds and repeat the process.
Without their armor, Brok and Fumira have AC 10.
They keep their war picks and javelins close by, but fight
only in self-defense. If they detect intruders, they stop
working and grouchily offer to escort the new arrivals to
Rojkarn Iron head, the captain of the guard (area 6c)-
leading the party through areas 16c, 6b, and 6a. The
duergar have nothing much to say to visitors, preferring
to let Rojkarn answer any questions they might have.
If a fight breaks out, the duergar in areas 16b and 16d
quickly join the battle. (The duergar in area 16c is deaf.)
The forge puts out tremendous heat thanks to a fire
elemental magically trapped inside it. Runes carved
on the inside walls of the forge prevent the elemental
from escaping or harming anyone outside the forge.
Destroying the forge releases the elemental, whereupon
it attacks everyone in sight. The forge has AC 17, 80 hit
points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage.

This room is identical to area 16a except that the forge
protrudes from the south wall, and the two unarmored
duergar working here are a pair of females named
Krinxa and Wolthra.


Duergar. In the north half of the room, an elderly male
duergar carrying an iron cane and an ear horn sits
in a stone rocking chair next to a pile of iron molds
and clamps.
Iron Bars. The south half of the room contains four
uneven stacks of iron bars, each stack nearly filling a
6-foot cube.
Old age has rendered the duergar smith, Ghorso, deaf
and nearly immobile. His walking speed is 10 feet with
the cane or 5 feet without it. Despite his age, he is fully
armed and armored. He would rather die in combat
than succumb to the ravages of age, but he fights only in
self-defense. If the characters try to talk to him, he plays
dumb and is not the least bit helpful. A lesser restoration


spell or similar magic can restore Ghorso's hearing, for
which he is not the least bit grateful. "Now I can hear
every wretched noise in this gods-forsaken place!" he
says with a sneer.
Clamped iron molds from areas 16a and 16b are
brought here to cool. Once they reach room tempera-
ture. (50 degrees Fahrenheit), Ghorso unclamps the
molds, opens them, pries out the hardened iron ingots,
and stacks them atop the existing piles. It's a tedious,
thankless job.
Treasure. Stockpiled here are 12,800 iron bars, each
worth 1 gp and weighing 10 pounds.

    This room contains two dozen iron cots arranged hap-
    hazardly in the middle of the space. Ten duergar, five
    males and five females, are asleep here at any given
    time, snoring loudly. The males are named Bulborm,
    Daarsh, Krod, Mranhaim, and Muzdrok. The females
    are named Azgra, Narlith, Roxinda, Sorka, and Svilla.
    The duergar sleep in their armor and keep their weap-
    ons within reach. They awaken to sounds of combat
    in areas 16a or 16b. A creature that succeeds on a DC
    10 Dexterity (Stealth) check can sneak about the room
    without waking the duergar.

    This part of the dungeon rings with the sound of ham-
    mers on anvils. As one approaches the forges (areas 17c
    and 17d), the sound grows louder and is joined by the
    roaring and crackling of flames. The light of the forges
    spills out into the main hallway and, when the door is
    open, into area 17e.
    The duergar guards stationed in these areas have or-
    ders to escort visitors to Valtagar Steelshadow in area

  3. If combat erupts in one room, the occupants of the
    other rooms join the fight. The duergar in areas 6a, 6b,
    and 6c hear echoes of the commotion and investigate,
    moving 50 feet per round. The inhabitants of other
    nearby areas go about their business.
    The stone floors and walls are covered with bloody
    tiles. The ceiling is 10 feet high throughout.

Two male duergar, Kalrog and Klang, keep guard here.
Klang is Kalrog's older brother, and the two are highly

Smoke and heat from the forges billow into this cham-
ber, keeping it a sweltering 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Two duergar- a male named Prax and a female named
Torga- mind this watch post, incidentally standing
guard over a variety of extra supplies that are stored
here. Driven into the south wall are twelve stone pegs
on which soot-stained leather aprons and tinted gog-
gles are hung.

Smoke and Heat. Smoke fills this room, rendering ev-
erything in the area lightly obscured. The temperature
here is a scorching 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
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