Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1
four 6th-level characters. Those who over-
come this level's challenges should amass
enough XP to reach 7th level.

What Dwells Here?

A tribe of goblins has claimed many rooms
on this level and erected a bazaar. These goblins oppose
the Xanathar Guild and its beholder overlord. The rest
of the dungeon is infested with sentient magical exper-
iments and leftovers from the days when Halaster's ap-
prentices used this level as a laboratory. The characters
might also encounter a troublesome drow, a wererat
gang, and members of a doomed adventuring party.


The Rustbone tribe of goblins has claimed an old throne
room (area 1) and turned it into a bazaar. The Xanathar
Guild wants to s hut down the market before it attracts
too many surface dwellers, while the goblins fight to
keep it open. Admission into the goblin bazaar is free,
but non-goblinoids are closely watched.
The goblin boss, Yek, recently found a magic circlet
that transformed him into a human (see area lf). After
his initial surprise passed, Yek warmed to the transfor-
mation. After all, it made him taller. The other goblins
quietly resent taking orders from a human and would
like to see Yek returned to normal. They might conspire
with adventurers toward that end, offering them the cir-
clet as a reward for undoing Yek's "curse."

The Xanathar Guild aims to secure this level, plunder it
thoroughly, and return valuable items to Skullport to be
sold, thus boosting the town's sagging economy. There
are two Xanathar Guild watch posts on the level, and
each one has a leader: a drow named Shunn "Spider
Eyes" Shurreth commands the northern watch post at
area 9, and a human berserker named Nadia the Unbent
leads the southern watch post at area 20.
Wererats recently stole a stone key from the southern
outpost. Shunn believes that the key unlocks something
important (though he doesn't know what that might be)
and wants to reclaim it. He intends to capture a wererat
and ransom it for the safe return of the key. He offers SO
gp to anyone who brings him a wererat captive or the
location of the wererats' hideout (area 14).

A drow mage in league with the Zhentarim has set up a
hidden base on this level (area 14). The drow, Rizzeryl,
has eight wererats in his employ. The Xanathar Guild is
aware of the wererats, but not their drow master.
Rizzeryl has the stone key that the wererats stole
from the Xanathar Guild. He thinks it might unlock a
Melairkyn vault hidden somewhere on this level, but he's
wrong. In fact, the key opens a magic gate that connects
levels 6 and 8 of Undermountain. The drow will give up
this key in exchange for his life or the destruction of the
Xanathar Guild outposts on this level.



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