Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1


This suite of chambers has been destroyed by the crea-
tures now in residence here, all traces of the rooms'
previous purposes obliterated.

A hive-like nest with multiple dark openings fills the
southern half of this room. Seven grells lurk inside the
wet, papery nest and emerge from it to attack intruders.

Nothic. A nothic squats near the east wall, frantically
scratching at the stone.
Scrawls. Scrawled exhortations in Deep Speech and
Undercommon cover the walls, floor, and ceiling.
The nothic used to be an apprentice mage named
Rhamagant, who served as Vertrand Shadowdusk's
assistant (see area 17 for more information about Ver-
trand). The nothic remembers nothing of its previous
life and fights only in self-defense. A character who ques-
tions the nothic in a language it understands can glean
the following useful information amid its mad ravings:

  • This level of Undermountain is called Shadowdusk
    Hold, and it has three tiers.

  • The deeper into Shadowdusk Hold one goes, the
    closer one gets to the Far Realm.

  • There's a secret room on each tier.
    The nothic knows the locations of all the secret doors
    leading to the secret rooms in Shadowdusk Hold (areas
    11 , 23b, and 37). Any character who can communicate
    with the nothic can, with a successful DC 20 Charisma
    (Intimidation or Persuasion) check, convince it to ac-
    company the party and point out secret doors. When it
    comes within 10 feet of a secret door in Shadowdusk
    Hold, the nothic begins scratching at it while muttering
    the words "secret door" in Undercommon.

Cold. This chamber is kept magically cold.
Shelve s. Shelves line every wall, all of them stacked
with wine, a le, and perishable food.
Casks. Several wooden casks of drinkable water stand
along one wall.

Furnishings. This room contains an iron stove, three
wooden tables for preparing food, and a cupboard
holding silver utensils and dishware.
Unseen Servants. Four living unseen servants (see
appendix A) prepare meals on command and use
brooms to sweep the floor.

    An incomplete statue partially hewn from marble stands
    in the middle of the area. The stone is carved into the
    rough shape of the god Torm. Someone who succeeds
    on a DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) check identifies the
    statue's unfinished features as the iconography of the
    god of duty, loyalty, a nd law.


    Fissure. A notltic hides in a 5-foot-wide natural fissure
    in the 20-foot-high ceiling.
    Furnishings. A rectangular stone table with ten chairs
    stands at the center of the room. The table and the
    floor around it are strewn with debris from the crum-
    bling ceiling.
    Tapestry. A great tapestry covers the west wall. It de-
    picts a noble wedding inside a vast chamber that has
    shadowy tentacles sprouting from its dark corners.
    The nothic uses the fissure in the ceiling as a pr ivate
    lair. It observes intruders and uses its Weird Insight
    on interesting-looking characters so it can later report
    any secrets it learns to Dezmyr Shadowdusk. It leaves
    the niche only if attacked a nd fights to the death to de-
    fend its lair.

Stashed on a shelf inside the nothic's ceiling niche
are 15 pp and 200 gp in a leather sack, and a potion of
supreme healing in a glass vial fastened to a silver neck-
lace (25 gp).
The tapestry depicts the ghastly wedding of Xerrion
and Margaraste Shadowdusk. It i s worth 75 0 gp and
weighs 50 pounds.

    Drifting Light. A visible wi11-o'-wisp drifts through this
    long, L-shaped gallery.
    Carving. An alcove in the corner of the L bears a relief
    carving of Shadowdusk nobles being paid respect by
    the common folk.
    Stairs. A staircase at the end of the north arm of the gal-
    lery descends 50 feet to tier 2.
    The will-o'-wisp serves Melissara in area lOa. It wan-
    ders from one end of the hall to the other, waiting for her
    summons, but turns invisible and flees to warn her at
    the first sign of intruders.

This suite belongs to Melissara Shadowdusk, a distant
cousin of the Shadowdusk twins, and her deranged hus-
band, Derrion.

Melissara. A middle-aged woman (Melissara Shadow-
dusk) sits in an easy chair in the northeast corner,
reading and muttering to herself.
Other Furnishings. A canopied bed and an armoire
stand against the south wall, and a silk curtain ob-
scures a corridor to the north.
Secret Door. A secret door in the east wall opens into
Melissara's study (area 11).
Melissara has so far managed to escape the horrible
insanity that besets the rest of her family, but she can
sense that her mind is slowly being eroded by contact
with the Far Realm. Fearing that her descent into mad-
ness is i nevitable, she lives in a state of self-imposed
exile and chooses to remain in Shadowdusk Hold de-
spite every instinct telling her to flee.
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