Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1
Vertrand's desk holds writing implements and hand-
written notes written by Vertrand before he lost his eyes.
The notes are difficult to follow and require a successful
DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check to decipher.
The notes detail Vertrand's research into magical vorti-
ces, and how to widen and destabilize planar portals.
Treasure. Vertrand's spellbook is in the desk's top
drawer. It contains all the spells he has prepared, plus
legend lore, conjure elemental, and planar binding. The
spells are written out using a form of Braille script.

    A horribly disfigured mage named Berlain Shadowdusk
    claims these chambers.


·Furnishings. A black stone desk stands to the south.
Next to the desk is a slender stone lectern with an
open book resting on it.
Tapestry. A tapestry covering the east wall shows a ten-
tacled creature from nightmare stuffing a number of
naked, terrified humanoids into its black maw.
Berlain's notes, strewn across her desk, are a blend
of arcane esoterica and insane pronouncements. All of
it paints a picture of horrific experiments performed
on living humanoids. A recently scrawled annotation
laments a lack of fresh subjects that is stalling her work.
Treasure. Berlain's spellbook rests atop the lectern.
It contains all the spells she has prepared, plus fireball
and modify memory.
The tapestry weighs 40 pounds and is worth 250 gp
(assuming the characters can find a buyer who appreci-
ates its disturbing imagery).

Furnishings. A chest of drawers and a bed heaped with
pillows stand along the west wall. A sitting area with
comfortable chairs is set up against the east wall.
Monsters. A mutated humanoid (Berlain Shadowdusk)
sits on the edge of the bed, patching gashes in her
robe. Floating nearby are two grells.
A little over a year ago, Berlain and her brother Korva
briefly entered the Far Realm, whereupon they became
fused into a single physical form. This merging obliter-
ated most of Korva's body and personality, leaving Ber-
lain with an extra mouth and an extra set of arms that
once belonged to her brother. She also inherited a few
of his internal organs and personality traits. She can
speak using one or both of her mouths.
Berlain has dirty blonde hair, piercing dark eyes, and
two mouths where one would normally be- one below
the other, canted at an angle. Sprouting from her mis-
shapen shoulders are two pairs of arms-her original
limbs above those of her brother. She wears a poorly
stitched robe made from other garments and designed
to fit her mutated form.
Berlain has a close kinship with Vertrand, and the
two wizards work well together. Berlain has no interest
in forging alliances with visitors and tries to capture in-
truders for use as experimental subjects.
Berlain is an archmage, with these changes:

  • Berlain is a chaotic evil aberration who speaks Com-
    mon, Deep Speech, Grell, and Undercommon.

  • She has the polymorph spell prepared instead of

  • As a bonus action, she can use her extra mouth and
    arms to cast any cantrip she has prepared.
    The grells serve as Berlain's valets, and she communi-
    cates with them in their own language. The grells try to
    grapple and subdue intruders on sight.
    Treasure. The chest of drawers contains torn-up
    scraps of clothing. In the bottom drawer is an unlocked
    coffer containing 300 gp, a polished crystal orb carved
    to look like a glistening doppelganger eyeball (usable as
    an arcane focus), and a spell scroll of flesh to stone.

    This chamber is empty except for a dusty fresco on the
    north wall. Measuring 30 feet long by 15 feet tall, it de-
    picts a stately, ivy-covered mansion and estate that once
    stood in Waterdeep- the original Shadowdusk Hold.
    Situated in small niches that form the mansion's
    windows are tiny, 3-inch-tall painted wooden busts rep-
    resenting members of the Shadowdusk household circa
    1355 DR. Characters who have seen other depictions of
    Arandraya, Maelweene, Yarlithra, and Xerrion Shadow-
    dusk recognize their tiny likenesses alongside the busts
    of other family members and servants. Two window
    niches are noticeably empty, because Zalthar has re-
    moved the busts within (see area 34a).

    Stone pillars support the flat, 40-foot-high ceiling. Every
    sound here is amplified, such that even a whispered
    voice or soft footstep can be heard throughout areas
    20a, 20b, and 20c. Dexterity (Stealth) checks to move
    silently through the area are made with disadvantage.

Guards. Five invisible will-o'-wisps patrol this area.
Dais. Five steps lead to the top of a stone dais, at the
back of which is a set of gold-plated double doors that
open into area 22.
If visitors arrive unannounced, the will-o'-wisps be-
come visible and impatiently question the new arrivals.
Characters must present a plausible reason for their
presence and succeed on a DC 20 Charisma (Deception
or Persuasion) check to convince the will-o'-wisps not
to attack them. If they don't like what they hear, three of
the wisps attack. The other two break away to warn Ver-
trand (area 17) and Berlain (area 18b), who, along with
Berlain's grell valets, converge on this area. If a battle
erupts here, the nothics in area 20b join the fray.

Five nothics hide behind the pillars in this area. They
fight alongside the will-o'-wisps in area 20a but avoid
combat otherwise. If the characters attack the nothics,
any will-o'-wisps in area 20a come to the nothics' aid.

This side chamber is unoccupied.

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