Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1

black armor. In his withered ha nds, he holds two tiny
painted wooden figurines (busts of himself and his sis-
ter as young children, which he took from the fresco
in area 19 ).
The adventurers catch Zalthar in a moment of reflec-
tion, and he considers their presence an affront. He is a
death knight, with these changes:

  • Zalthar wields a nine lives stealer longsword with^5
    charges remaining. He has a +13 bonus to hit with the
    weapon. On a hit, he deals 11 (ld8 + 7) slashing dam-
    age, or 12 (ldlO + 7) slashing damage if used with two
    hands, plus 18 (4d8) necrotic damage.

  • He has the locate creature spell prepared instead of

  • He speaks Abyssal, Common, and Deep Speech.

When intruders enter the room, Zalthar stands, draws
his sword, and says, "Dezmyr foretold your arrival. I've
been waiting for you." He then tries to destroy them.

This 20-foot-high room contains a single object: a
15-foot-tall, tapered obelisk of black stone situated in the
middle of the room.
The Shadowdusks found the obelisk on another level
of Undermountain and brought it here after subjecting
it to Far Realm energies. It radiates a strong aura of ab-
juration magic under the scrutiny of a detect magic spell
or si milar magic, and a paladin us ing Divine Sense can
detect a celestial presence trapped within it.
Characters who have a combined Strength of 60 or
higher can topple the obelisk, which is a Huge object
with AC 17 , 90 hit points, and immunity to poison and
psychic damage. Toppling or destroying the obelisk
releases a couatl trapped within. The couatl, named
Tezca-Zyanya, appears in the form of a Tiny yellow frog.
Using its telepathy, the disguised couatl thanks the
characters for releasing it. Exposure to the Far Realm
has deprived the couatl of its memories, including those
that would explain its entrapment and the purpose of
the obelisk.
If the party includes no evil characters, Tezca-Zyanya
offers to accompany its rescuers and assist them until
its services are no longer required. It continues to pass
itself off as a frog until circumstances force it to reveal
its true form. Trapped in the obelisk for millennia, it
knows nothing about Undermountain or Waterdeep.


This chamber is the only means by which characters
can enter level 23 of Undermountain.
Arch. A stone arch is embedded in the east wall be-
tween the two arms of the chamber. The arch's key-
stone is carved with the visage of Halaster, whose
eyes follow any creature that approaches the arch.
Petrified Beholder. In the northern arm of the room, a
petrified beholder sprawls on its side on the floor.
The beholder has been here longer than the Shadow-
dusks. If released from its petrified state with a greater
restoration spell or similar magic, it attacks other crea-
tures indiscriminately.


The arch is one of Halaster's gates (see "Gates," page
1 2). Its rules are as follows:

  • If any creature touches the arch, the face shouts out in
    Common: "Yield magic for safe passage!" A stone arm
    with a flat, outstretched hand then rises from the floor
    before the arch. If a magic item of at least uncommon
    rarity is placed into the hand, it sinks back into the
    floor with the item, which is teleported to Halaster's
    s tudy in area 37 of level 23. The gate then opens for^1
    minute. If an appropriate magic item is not placed in
    the hand within 10 seconds of its appearance, it points
    to the nearest creature that Halaster's visage can see.
    That creature must succeed on a DC^22 Constitution
    saving throw or be petrified.

  • Characters must be 17th level or higher to pass
    through this gate (see "Jhesiyra Kestellharp," page
    10). The first creature to pass through the gate trig-
    gers an elder rune (see "Elder Runes," page 12).

  • A creature that passes through the gate appears in
    area 1 on level 23 , in the closest unoccupied space
    next to the similar gate located there.

    The Shadowdusks never visit these rooms. Characters
    who rest here are unlikely to be disturbed.

This room stands empty.

Rubble is scattered across the floor beneath a 20-foot-
long, 5-foot-wide gash where part of the ceiling has

    This unlit chamber connects areas 30a and 38c by way
    of secret doors. The secret doors are readily identifiable
    and easily opened from inside the room.

If the word "xunderbrok" is spoken aloud anywhere in
this room, a granite cone magically appears on the floor
in the southernmost corner of the room. (See level 6,
area 39c, for the significance of this word.) The cone is
4 feet tall and 2 feet wide at the base. Close examination
reveals that the top of the cone unscrews to reveal a hol-
low compartment under the cap.
Treasure. The cone's compartment contains a potion
of giant strength (cloud) in a stoppered,j-shaped crystal
flask worth 25 gp.

    Dezmyr dwells here, plotting the conquest of Waterdeep
    and the destruction of her family's ancient enemies.

Tapestry. A large tapestry depicting the city ofWater-
deep hangs on the east wall.
Skull. A charred human skull rests atop a 3-foot-high
stone pedestal in front of the tapestry.


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