Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1


A detect magic spell reveals an aura of transmutation
magic around the saucer. A knock spell or similar magic
opens the dome, as does a successful DC 15 Dexterity
check made by a character using thieves' tools.
The dome covers a cockpit that contains a padded
leather seat and a slanted metal console. Embedded in
the console is an ornate metal joystick (see "Treasure"
below) and three metal buttons labeled "Hover," "Land,"
and "Teleport." The rest of the saucer's interior is taken
up by arcane machinery.
Pressing the "Hover" button causes the landing gear
to retract and the saucer to levitate 10 feet in the air.
When the saucer is airborne, the joystick can be used to
fly the saucer in any direction the pilot desires.
Pressing the "Land" button causes the landing gear
to extend and the saucer to sink at a rate of 10 feet per
round until it lands on a surface that can bear its 2-ton
weight. The joystick locks in place and is immovable
while the saucer is landed.
Pressing the "Teleport" button teleports the saucer
and its pilot, along with anything the pilot is wearing or
carrying, to a lonely hilltop in the Forlorn Hills east of
Waterdeep. The ship can't teleport again for 24 hours,
and pressing the button again has no effect until this
power recharges.

The joystick that controls the flying saucer is a rod of
lordly might. The rod's normal magical properties are
suppressed while it is attached to the flying saucer's
console. The rod can be torn from the console by force
with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check. A
character can also use thieves' tools or tinker's tools to
detach the rod from the console or reattach it, which re-
quires 1 minute and no ability check. Without the rod in
place, the flying saucer does not function.

    Golems. Two ftesh golems are working out in this
    room. One golem is doing shoulder shrugs with two
    100-pound iron kettlebells. The other switches back
    and forth between jumping jacks and shadowboxing.
    Exercise Equipment. Padded leather mats are strewn
    upon the floor amid kettlebells and stacks of iron
    plates of various weights. Against the far wall rests
    a padded workout bench and an iron barbell bearing
    400 pounds of weight. Behind the bench, hanging on
    the wall, is a set of boxing gloves.
    If a character uses any of the room's equipment, the
    nearest golem stops its workout and stands ready to
    assist. The golems attack only if damage causes them to
    go berserk.
    If a character dons the boxing gloves, one golem
    moves to the middle of the room, raises its fists, and
    trades blows with anyone who tries to box with it. It
    takes no damage from an adversary's gloved fists.

This room contains a pair of 15-foot-tall standing
stones. Lashed to each stone with 50 feet of hempen
rope is an inanimate scarecrow, like the ones found in


farmers' fields. Perched atop the northernmost standing
stone is an ordinary crow (use the raven statistics). The
crow caws at anyone who enters the room and bonds
with a random character.
If a creature uses a finger or a staff to trace Halaster's
rune on the surface of either of the standing stones,
a gate forms between them and lasts for 1 minute. A
legend lore spell or similar magic reveals the way to
activate the gate, its destination, and the fact that it's
one-way only. Any creature that steps through this
gate appears, along with any objects it is wearing or
carrying, in a small cornfield behind a farmhouse on
the outskirts of Tri boar, a town far north of Waterdeep.
(More information on Triboar can be found in Storm
King's Thunder.)


If Ha laster is killed, the demi plane around his tower
(areas 22 through 36) collapses 5 minutes later with-
out warning. As the tower is torn asunder, its contents
are blasted into the far corners of the Astral Plane.
Characters who are holding onto one another or are
tethered together end up in the same place on the As-
tral Plane until they find a means of escape or until a
githyanki-crewed astral warship stumbles upon them.
See chapter 2 of the Dungeon Master's Guide for more
information on the Astral Plane and its perils.
Halaster's death also deactivates all gates in Under-
mountain. These gates reactivate when the Mad Mage
re-forms ldlO days later in a random dungeon location.
During Halaster's absence,Jhesiyra (see ''.Jhesiyra
Kestellharp," page 10) tries to seize control of Under-
mountain. Does she succeed? That's up to you. If she is
successful, Jhesiyra takes her place as the new master
of the dungeon, and Ha laster does not return. Whether
Jhesiyra remains disembodied or assumes a corporeal
form when she usurps Halaster's control over Under-
mountain is also for you to decide, but one thing she
won't do is reactivate Halaster's gates. She doesn't trust
them and would prefer to create her own gates in due
time. If Arcturia and Trobriand are still around,Jhesiyra
plots to destroy them before they turn against her, and
she might even draft adventurers to help her.
Existing in a disembodied state for so long has done
little to preserve Jhesiyra's sanity, and it remains an
open question whether Undermountain becomes a safer
place with her in charge. In all likelihood, the dungeon
will remain a perilous location, as Jhesiyra's fear that
Halaster might someday return prompts her to ward the
dungeon against that eventuality.
If Jhesiyra is unable to seize control of Undermoun-
tain, she continues to lurk in the dungeon as a disem-
bodied entity, waiting for another opportunity to emerge.
Unaware ofjhesiyra's attempt to dethrone him, Halaster
re-forms in Undermountain as he has done many times
before. He doesn't take being killed personally, but it in-
spires him to toughen Undermountain's defenses so that
the next group of adventurers can't thwart him so easily.
Much of his time in the coming months is spent creating
a new demiplane and a new tower to replace the ones
that were destroyed after he died.
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