Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage

(Jeff_L) #1


were destroyed or driven out during the Spellplague,
leaving behind a bleak, three-story stone mansion that
the Harpers have seized and turned into a hideout.
Felrax, a dragonborn mage with copper-colored
scales, watches over the mansion. A light cantrip cast on
his staff allows Felrax to see in the dark interior. If one
or more characters are Harpers, Felrax offers to help
them in one or both of the following ways:

  • He allows the party to use the mansion as a sanctuary
    and a resting place for as long as they need it.

  • If the characters need to leave Skullport in a hurry,
    he tells them that Tasselgryn Velldarn (area 27) has
    access to a teleportatioo circle and charges^50 gp per
    person for its use.

Ygarra Urmbaalt, a duergar, appraises gemstones for a
flat fee of 20 percent of a gem's value. Her establishment
is a one-story, ugly stone building.

This store rests atop another structure that is crumbling
with age. As a result, the building tilts slightly to the
east. Inside, a man calling himself Garryth sells flasks
of oil for 5 sp each and casks of pitch for 2 gp each.
Five years ago, a doppelgan ger killed Garryth and as-
sumed his identity after disposing of the body. The dop-
pelganger is content running the business and has no
qualms about paying money to Xanathar for protection.

To lower ond
Middle Skullporl

1 square = 10 feet


Displayed in the window of this shop are various herbs,
elixirs, vials of poison, and baskets of medicinal fungi.
The store is cluttered with more such goods, all labeled
and clearly priced. The apothecary, Nightshade, is an
undead creature (use the mummy statistics) that looks
like a withered crone dressed in a tattered black robe.


    The only restaurant in town is located inside a petrified,
    hollowed-out purple worm. The food and the service
    have gone downhill ever since Xanathar installed a new
    manager: a heartless duergar named Gharz Stonedark.
    Gharz makes meals out of whatever his k ob olds can
    find, and patrons are expected to eat whatever Gharz
    serves them. Common meals include stirge loaf, carrion
    crawler souffle, tlumph stew, and hot shrieker pie. The
    house ale is Wyrmwizz, straight from the local distillery
    (area 16). A meal with a drink costs 5 sp per person.

  2. TANOR

Carved by the drow of House Tanor'thal, this stronghold
resembles an upside-down spider that looms above the
rest of Skull port like a great, dark god. The s pider's
hollowed-out head, thorax, and abdomen contain win-
dowless living quarters filled with thick webs and a host
of giant spiders. Other denizens of Skullport avoid this
place, making it an excellent refuge once the spiders are
cleared out. The drow left nothing of value behind when
they vacated their refuge.

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