Ratios, Rates, and
Common Core State Standards
N-Q.A.1 Use units as a w ay to understand problems
and to guide the solution o f m ulti-step problems; choose
and interpret units consistently in fo rm u la s... Also
MP 2, MP 3, MP 4, MP 5, MP 6
Objectives To find ratios an d rates
To convert units an d rates
comparing times
and distances. W hy
is i t im p o rta n t to
be precise with th e
unit rate
conversion fact o r
unit analysis
PRACTICES A ratio com pares two n u m b ers by division. The ratio of two n u m b ers a and b, w here
b i= 0, can be w ritten in th ree ways: |, a: b, and a to b. For every a u nits of one
quantity, you have b u n its of a n o th e r q uantity.
You can also th in k of a ratio as a m ultiplicative relationship. For example, if the ratio of
the n u m b e r of boys to the n u m b e r of girls in a class is 2 : 1 , th e n th e n u m b e r of boys is
two times the n u m b e r of girls.
A ratio that com pares quantities m easured in different units is called a rate. A rate with a
denom inator of 1 unit is a unit rate. In the Solve It, you can express each athlete's speed as
the num ber of m eters traveled per 1 second of time. This is an example of a unit rate.
Essent ial Und er st and ing You can write ratios an d find u n it rates to com pare
quantities. You can also convert units an d rates to solve problem s.
How can estimation
help you?
Use e stim atio n to solve a
simpler problem. You can
use th e given in fo rm a tio n
to estim ate th e u n it rates.
The estim ates can help
you find the solution.
Problem 1 Comparing Unit Rates
Shopping You are shopping for T-shirts. Which store offers the best deal?
Store A: $25 for 2 shirts Store B: $45 for 4 shirts Store C: $30 for 3 shirts
W rite each price as a ratio. Then write the ratio as a u nit rate to com pare.
Store A Store B Store C
$25 _ $12.50 $45 _ $11.25 $30 _ $10
2 sh irts 1 sh irt 4 shirts 1 shirt 3 sh irts 1 sh irt
Store C has
th e best deal
because its
unit rate is
the lowest.
116 Chapter 2 So l v i n g Eq u a t i o n s