0 42. Reasoning A traveler changed $300 to euros for a trip to Germ any, b u t th e trip was
canceled. Three m o n th s later, th e traveler changed th e euros back to dollars. W ould
you expect th a t th e traveler got exacdy $300 back? Explain.
Challenge 43. Measurement D ietrich draws a line o n th e blackboard w hose length is given by
th e expression 1 m m + 1 cm + 1 in. + 1 ft + 1 yd + 1 m. W hat is th e length of
th e line in m illim eters?
- Square Measurements There are 2.54 cm in 1 in.
a. How m any square centim eters are there in 1 in.2? Give your answ er to the
n ea rest h u n d re d th of a square centim eter.
b. How m any square inches are there in 129 cm2?
l8r Apply What You've Learned MATHEMATICALPRACTICES
MP 6
Look back at th e diagram of th e m onorail ro u te on page 79. In th e Apply W hat
You’ve Learned in Lesson 2-3, you found th e average speed of th e m onorail
betw een th e parking garage an d Term inal A an d th e average speed of the
m onorail b etw een Term inal A an d Term inal B. Select all of th e following th at
are true. Explain your reasoning.
A. To convert th e m o n o rail’s average speed from feet p er second to m iles p e r hour,
m ultiply th e speed in feet p e r second by 5^ ift • 3 q 0 qs.
B. Between the parking garage a n d Term inal A, th e m o n o rail’s average speed is
greater th a n 25 m i/h.
C. Between Term inal A an d Terminal B, th e m o n o rail’s average speed is greater th a n
25 m i/h.
D. Between Terminal A and Terminal B, the m onorail’s average speed is 8.1 m i/h greater
th a n its average speed betw e en th e parking garage an d Term inal A.
E. If the m onorail m oved at its average sp ee d betw een Term inal A an d Term inal B for
15 m inutes, it w ould travel ab o u t 7.2 miles.
F. If the m onorail m oved at its average sp ee d betw een Terminal A an d Term inal B, it
w ould take m ore th a n an h o u r to travel 30 miles.
r----------------------P o w e r A lg e b r a .c o m ^-----------------------------------| Lesson 2-6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rat i o s, Rat es, an d Co n v er si o n s 1 2 1