Objective To solve an d apply p roportions
Getting Ready!
You've used ratios
to compare. This
problem involves
equal ra tio s.
You a re making beaded necklaces, using a p a tte rn in which 2 large red
beads are followed by 3 small blue beads. Each set of 5 beads adds
14 in. to the length of the necklace. How many of each color bead will
you need fo r a 2 0 - in. necklace? Explain your answ er.
cro ss p ro d uct s
Cr o ss Pr o d u c t s
Pr o p er t y
In th e Solve It, th e n u m b e r of red b eads a n d th e n u m b e r of blue b ea d s are quantities
th at have a p roportional relationship. This m ean s th a t th e ratio of the quantities is
co n stan t even th o u g h th e quantities them selves can change. For example, as you are
m aking th e necklace you will have 2 red b eads a n d 3 blue beads, th e n 4 red b eads an d
6 blue beads, th e n 6 red b eads an d 9 blue beads, a n d so on. At each stage, th e ratio of
red b eads to blue b eads rem ains constant, 2 :3.
A proportional relationship can p roduce an infinite n u m b e r of equivalent ratios. Any
two of these can be u sed to write a p roportion. A proportion is a n e q u a tio n th a t states
th at two ratios are equal. For example, | = w here b Y= 0 and d + 0, is a proportion.
You read this as “a is to b as c is to d"
Solving Proportions
Common Core State Standards
A-REI.B.3 Solve linear equations and inequalities
in one variable, including equations w ith coefficients
represented by letters. Also N-Q.A.1, A-CED.A.1
MP 1, MP3, MP4, MP 8
Essential U nderstanding If two ratios are eq u al a n d a q uantity in one of the
ratios is unknow n, you can write an d solve a p ro p o rtio n to find th e u nknow n quantity.
H o w is th is p ro b le m
related to problems
you've solved before?
Solving this proportion
is s im ila r to s o lving a
one-step equation using
m u ltip lic a tio n. You can
simply multiply by 12 to
isolate m.
Problem 1 Solving a Proportion Using the M ultiplication Property
What is the solution of the proportion | =
7 _ m
8 ~ 12
12 • | = 12 • jk Multiply each side by 12.
(^84) T = m
10.5 = m
124 Ch ap t er 2 So lvin g Eq u at i o n s