Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Multiple Choice In the diagram,
A ABC ~ A DEF. What is DEI

(2 A 7.5
CIA 9-5

CCA 21.3
dA 24

  • The length of AB, which The length o f DE

Write a proportion involving
corresponds to DE. tw o pairs o f corre sp on d in g

  • The lengths of two other sides: AB and DE, and BC
    co rre sp on d in g sides, and EF. The length o f DE is
    BC and EF the only unknown, so you can

  • The triangles are similar. solve for it.

W = DE ^r'te 3 ProPort'on-
if = W Substitute lengths.
16( DE) = 12(10) Cross Products Property
16DE = 120 Multiply.
DE = 7.5 Divide each side by 16 and simplify.

DE is 7.5. The correct answ er is A.

.j ) G o t It? 1. Use the figures in P roblem 1. W hat is AC?

,J W jo k
Is th e r e o n ly o n e
way to write a
No. You can w rite
different proportions
to fin d th e h e ig h t. For
example, the follow ing
proportion also works.
building's shadow

girl's shadow ~
building's height
g irl’s height

You can also use p roportions to solve indirect m e asu rem en t problem s like finding a
distance using a m ap. You can use sim ilar figures an d p ro p o rtio n s to find lengths th at
you cannot measure directly.

Applying Similarity

Indirect M easurem en t The sun’s rays strike the
building and the girl at the same angle, forming the
two similar triangles shown. How tall is the building?
girl's shadow = girl's height Write a proportion,
b u i l d i n g s s h a d o w b u i l d i n g s h e ig h t

. 5

3x = 15(5)

3x = 75
x = 25
The building is 25 ft tall.


Cross Products
Divide each side by 3.

rP o w e r A lg e b r a .c o m ^ Lesson 2-8 Pr o p o r t i o n s an d Si m i l ar Fig u r es^131
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