Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

2-9 Per cen t s

Quick Review Ex e r c i se s
A percent is a ratio th at com pares a n u m b e r to 100. If you 52. W hat p ercen t of 37 is 111?
write a percent as a fraction, you can use a p ro p o rtio n to
solve a p ercent problem. 53. W hat is 72% of 150?

  1. 60% of w hat n u m b e r is 102?
    Ex a m p l e 55. Gardening A gardener expects th at 75% of the seeds
    What percent of 84 is 105? she plants will produce plants. She w ants 45 plants.
    W = lho ^r'te Percent proportion. How m any seeds should she plant?
    100(105) = 84p Cross Products Property 56. Fundraising A charity sent out 700 fundraising
    10,500 = 84p Simplify. letters a n d received^210 contributions in response.
    W hat was th e p ercen t of response?
    125 = p Divide each side by 84.
    105 is 125% of 84.

  2. Surveys In a survey, 60% of stu d en ts prefer bagels
    to donuts. If 120 students were surveyed, how m any
    stu d en ts prefer bagels?

2-10 Ch an g e Ex p r essed a s a Per cen t
/ ^^— ^

Ex e r c i se s
Tell whether each percent change is an increase or
decrease. Then find the percent change. Round to the
nearest percent.

  1. original am ount: 27 59. original am ount: 250
    new a m o u n t: 30 new a m o u n t: 200

  2. original am ount: 873 61. original am ount: 4.7
    new am ount: 781 new am ount: 6.2

  3. Demographics In 1970, the U.S. p o pulation was
    ab o u t 205 m illion people. In 2007, it was about
    301 million. W hat was th e p ercen t increase?

  4. Astronom y The tim e from sunrise to su n set on the
    shortest day of th e year in Jacksonville, Florida, is
    ab o u t 10 h 11 m in. On the longest day, the tim e is
    14 h 7 m in. W hat is th e p ercen t increase?

  5. W eather This m orning th e tem p eratu re was 38°F.
    This afternoon it is 57°F. Did th e tem p eratu re
    increase by 50%? Explain.

Quick Review
Percent change p% is th e ratio of the a m o u n t of change to
the original am ount.
^ _ amount of increase or decrease
” 0 original amount
You can use the p ercent change form ula to express changes
as percents.

Ex a m p l e
A bookstore buys a book for $16 an d m arks it up to $28.
W hat is th e m arkup expressed as a p ercen t change?
, new amount — original amount
p ercen t change = Original amount---------

= ^8 1616 Substitute.

= yg^12 Simplify.
= 0.75 or 75% Write the result as a percent.
The price of th e book increased by 75%.

156 Ch ap t er 2 So l v i n g Eq u a t i o n s

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