Apply 0 40. Error Analysis A stu d en t claim s th a t th e inequality 3x + 1 > 0 is always true
because m ultiplying a n u m b e r by 3 an d th e n adding 1 to th e result always p roduces
a n u m b e r greater th a n 0. Explain th e stu d e n t’s error.
- Open-Ended D escribe a situation th a t you can m odel w ith x s 25.
- Ticket Sales Suppose your school plans a m usical. The director's goal is ticket
sales of at least $4500. Adult tickets are $7.50 an d s tu d en t tickets are $5.00. Let a
rep resen t th e n u m b e r of ad u lt tickets a n d s re p resen t th e n u m b e r of stu d en t tickets.
W hich inequality rep resen ts th e direc to r’s goal?
CA> 5a + 7.5s < 4500 C O 7.5a + 5s < 4500
CE> 7.5a + 5s > 4500 CO 7.5a + 5s > 4500
HID 43. Physics According to A lbert E instein’s special th eo ry of relativity, n o object can
travel faster th a n th e speed of light, w hich is approxim ately 186,000 m i/s. W hat is
an inequality th at rep resen ts this inform ation?
Write each inequality in words.
44.n< (^5) 45. b > 0 46. 7 > x 47. z > 25.6
48.4 > q 49.^21 > m 50. 35 > w 51. g — 2 < 7
52.a< 3 53. 6 + r > -2 54. 8 ^ h 55. 1.2 > k
- Class Par t y You are m aking m uffins for a class party. You n e e d 2 cups of flour to
m ake a p an of 12 muffins. You have a 5-lb bag of flour, w hich contains 18 cups. W hat
is an inequality th at represents the possible num b ers of muffins you can make? - Writ ing Explain w hat th e p h rases no more than and no less than m e a n w hen
writing inequalities th a t m odel real-w orld situations.
Use the map at the right for Exercises 58 and 59.
- Think About a Plan You plan to go from P ortland to Tucson.
Let x b e th e distance in m iles of any flight b etw e en P ortland an d
Tucson. W hat is a tru e statem en t ab o u t th e m ileage of any route
from P ortland to Tucson? Assum e th a t no route visits th e sam e city
m ore th a n once an d th a t each route h as no m ore th a n o n e layover.- How m any routes exist betw een P ortland an d Tucson? W hat are
they? W hich route is th e shortest? - Can you write an inequality th a t rep resen ts th e m ileage of any
route from P ortland to Tucson?
- How m any routes exist betw een P ortland an d Tucson? W hat are
- Air Travel Your travel agent is m aking p lan s for you to go from San
Diego to Seattle. A direct flight is n o t available. O ption A consists
of flights from San Diego to Boise to Seattle. O ption B consists of
flights from San Diego to Las Vegas to Seattle. W hat inequality
com pares th e flight d istances of th ese two options?