Solving Inequalities Using
Multiplication or Division
Common Core State Standards
A-CED.A.1 Create... inequalities in one variable
and use them to solve p ro b le m s... Also N-Q.A.2,
MP 1, MP 2, MP 3, MP 4, MP 7
Ob ject i ve To use m ultiplication or division to solve inequalities
Getting Ready! X C
This pattern can
help you rem em ber
the properties
you'll learn in
this lesson.
Co n si d er t h e i n eq u al i t y 4 > 1. Co p y an d co m p l et e each
st at em en t a t t h e r i g h t b y r ep l aci n g each w i t h <
or >. W hat happens to the inequality symbol when you
multiply each side by a positive number? W hat happens
to the inequality symbol when you multiply each side by
a negat ive num ber? Ju st if y your reasoning.
4-3 • 3
4-2 •2
4- 1 • 1
4- -1 • -1
....4- ....... .-2 • -2
4- -3 • - 3
PRACTICES in th e Solve It, you m ay have noticed th at m ultiplying b o th sides of an inequality by a
negative n u m b e r affects th e inequality symbol.
Essential U nderstanding Just as you u sed m ultiplication a n d division to solve
eq u a tio n s in C hapter 2, you can use m ultiplication an d division to solve inequalities.
Key Concept Multiplication Property of Inequality
Let a, b, and c be real num b ers
with c > 0.
If a ^•> ib, then cic be.
If a bt then ac ^ be.
Let a, b, and c be real num b ers
with c < 0.
If a > b, then ac < be.
If a < b, then ac > be.
These p roperties are also tru e for inequalities using > an d <.
178 Chapter 3 Solving Inequalities