- Number Theory The Fibonacci seq u en ce is 1 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,5 ,8 ,1 3 ,... After th e first
two n um bers, each n u m b e r is th e sum of th e two previous num bers.
a. W hat is th e next term of th e sequence? The eleventh term of th e sequence?
b. Open-Ended Choose two o th er n u m b ers to start a Fibonacci-like sequence.
Write th e first seven term s of your sequence.
Challenge Find the common difference of each arithmetic sequence. Then find the next term.
- 4, x + 4, 2x + 4, 3x + 4,... 74. a + b + c, 4a + 3b + c, la + 5b + c,...
- a. Geom etry Draw th e next figure in th e pattern.
b. Reasoning W hat is th e color of th e tw en tieth figure? Explain.
c. Flow m an y sides does th e tw enty-third figure have? Explain.
explicit 8 -8
term 9 recursive 10 sequence
a. A(n) _?_ is an ordered list of n u m b e rs th a t often form a pattern.
b. The function m odeling Keiko's blog is a(n) J_ form ula.
c. The co m m o n difference in th e function m odeling Jayden’s blog is _?_.
d. Jayden's blog will first have at least 100 subscribers in J_ m o n th s.
e. Keiko’s blog will first have at least 100 subscribers in _?_ m onths.
f. A function rule th a t relates e ach term of a seq u e n ce after th e first term to th e ones
before it is called a(n) _?_ form ula.
Apply What You've Learned
Look back to your w ork from th e Apply W hat You've L earned sections on
pages 245 an d 259 to find th e functions m odeling Keiko’s an d Jayden’s blogs.
Choose from th e following w ords a n d n u m b ers to com plete th e sentences
MP 8
PowerAlgebra.com Lesso n 4- 7 A r i t h m e t i c Seq u en ces 281