Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



Get Ready! 415
Common Core Performance Task 417
Zero and Negative Exponents 418
Concept Byte ACTIVITY: Multiplying Powers 424
Multiplying Powers With the Same Base 425
Concept Byte ACTIVITY: Powers o f Powers and
Powers of Products 432
More Multiplication Properties of Exponents 433
Division Properties of Exponents 439
Mid-Chapter Quiz 446
Concept Byte ACTIVITY: Relating Radicals to
Rational Exponents 447
Rational Exponents and Radicals 448
Exponential Functions 453
Exponential Growth and Decay 460
Geometric Sequences 467
Assessment a n d Test Prep
Pull It A ll Toge th e r 4 7 3
Chapter Review 474
C h a p te r Test 4 7 9
Cumulative Standards Review 480

Number and Quantity
The Real N um ber System
Extend the properties o f exponents to rational exponents
Seeing S tructure in Expressions
Interpret the structure o f expressions
A rith m e tic w ith Polynom ials and R ational Expressions
Perform arithm etic operations on polynomials
Creating Equations
Create equations th a t describe numbers or relationships

Fu n ct i o n s
Interpreting Functions
Interpret functions th a t arise in applications in term s o f th e context
Analyze functions using diffe re n t representations
Building Functions
Build a fu nction th a t models a relationship between tw o quantities
Linear and Exponential Models
Construct and compare linear and exponential models and solve problems

Ex p o n e n t s a n d

Ex p o n e n t i a l Fu n c t i o n s

xxxii Co n t en t s

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